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Caesar Dies

Chapter 7 MARCIA

Word Count: 4560    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

ck-the common touch. She had been born in slavery. She had ascended step by step to fortune, by her own wits, learning b

to lose its sway; the habit of possession easily succumbs to boredom, and then power ceases. Even Commodus, accordingly, had never owned her in the sense that m

that Rome served up to her, enjoying it as a cat likes bein

r his own ends. She was not deceived by Livius, or by anybody else. She knew that Livius was keeping watch on her, and how he did it, having shrewdly guessed that a present of eight matched litter- bearers was too extravag

fountain in the midst. There was a crowd of servants and four Syrian eunuchs, sleek offensive menials in yellow robes; two lictors besides, with fasces and the Roman civic uniform-a s

earranged the bowk

gets sent for when somebody needs punishing.

return without him! Bacchus! But it wouldn't worry me if Livius should lose his head! For an aristocrat he has more than his shar

ia, dressed in the dignified robes of a Roman matron, that concealed even her ankles and suggested the demure, self-conscio

you, Livius, the answer is, that I i

subprefect. I am

you h

ht feel justified in neglecting the palace busi

Marcia. "The most important thing in your life

ing a little behind Marcia. He hoped she would take the hint and withdraw

me go back to


the palace precincts of a threat from Marcia, however baseless it might be. And besides, it might be something serious that almost had escaped her lips. Untrue or true, it

e said. "I am delighted. I

the streets of Rome; in fact, it was an honor coveted by all officials of the palace, that fell to his share rather frequently because of his distinguished air of a latter-day man of the world and his intimate knowledge of everybody's business and an

curtains, she leaned out at the farther side and whispered to the nearest eunuch. Livius, climbing into his own gilt vehicle and lifted shoulder-high by eight Numid

es. It looked to her far more than to the emperor for favors, buying them with lawless loyalty to her. She ruined discipline by her support of every plea for increased perquisites. No outraged citizen had any hope of redress so long as Marcia's ear could be reached (althoug

in the habit of receiving secret information from her slave, there were a thousand ways she might take to avenge herself; a very simple way would be to charge him with impro

is own attendants seemed to have divined that there was something ominous about the journey, and he was not the kind of man whose servants are devotedly attached to

I know is, we mus

to sell the rascal to some farmer who would teach him with a whip what service meant. But he said

litter to rub cosmetic on his cheeks. He took one of Galen's famous strychnine pills before he could prevent his limbs from trembling. Even so,

s some handsomer Adonis


of seclusion with such elegance as could not possibly escape the notice of the passer-by. The forecourt was adorned with statuary and the gate left wide, affording a glimpse of sunlit greenery and marble that entirely changed the aspect of the narrow street. There were never less tha

sunlight with the hues of flowers and the rich, soft sheen of marble in the shadow of tall cypresses. The praetorians had to form a cordon in front of the gate, and

nediction at a temple altar, a gathering of the Muses, sacrifice before a shrine of Aesculapius and Jason's voyage to Colchis for the Golden Fleece. The inner court, where Cornificia received her guests, was

ing very little jewelry, received her guests more like an old-time patrician matron than a notorious modern concubine. Her notoriety, in fact, was due to Flavia Titiana, rather than to any indiscretions of her own. To justify her infidel

m by a method diametrically contrary to that which rumor, stirred by Flavia Titiana, indicated; Cornificia's house was a place where he

that his cynicism bitterly rejected. The mere fact of her unshakable fidelity to Pertinax was an offense in his eyes; she presented what he considered an

ad sent the slaves away and they four lay at ease on couches in the shade of three exotic potted palms, she turned her back toward Livius, suspecting

rcia, for nothing, since you might have sent for me and saved yourself trouble. I anticipate intrigue! Wha

k of Livius,

mpanion. He coughed, to draw attention to her, but Marcia refused

g his fingers together behind his back, compelling himself to smi

e it obvious that you suspe

believe it? Give us an example of discretion; you are Par

him-saw the sunlight making iridescent pools of fire within a crystal ball set on

neeling on one knee, laughing. "Venus rules men's hearts. She

Marcia. "Could you ever afford to i

an dignity he loved discretion; he wished there were eyes in the back of his head, to see whether slaves were watching from the curtained windows opening on the inner court. "It is my poli

ificed a white bull r

was less under control, for she was younger and had nothing to conceal; she was in

er Capitolinus, as is customary, to

se you break the

, remembering what Pertinax had said about the value o

imself. "I am old-fashioned enough to hold that an oath made

to Caesar," Marcia retorted. "Do you prefer to tell Caesar how true yo

om the second one," said Liviu

was soft, melodious, like wavelets

th does not wait on oaths; it comes to us. I wi

f the alternatives she offered and, preserving something of the shreds of pride, would have acc

nds me. This is the fact then: I discovered how he helped Sextus, son of Maximus, to avoid execution by a ruse, making believe to be killed. Pertinax was also privy to the execution of an unknown thief i

a trace at last of sharpness in her voice. A hint conveyed itself

s agains

or too much!" said

ps tight. "I kno

any dealings


o make Marcia smile. "Shall we hear what Sextus has to say to that?" asked Corn

laughing eyes and Cornificia c

the ast

ound by a fillet, was unruly from the outdoor life he had been leading; the strong sinews of his arms and legs belied the ease of his pretended calling and the starry cloak he wore was laughable in its failure to disguise

again, Bul

" asked

is three days since we spoke together. Three, o

ed Marcia. She seemed to be

w caution t

ing caught in his throat. The cough became a sob and in a moment he was half-hysterical. "By Hercules, what

esses were necessa

ughed. "You u

living and the feverish excitement of the palace regime had ruined his nerves but

d you I meant, I realize that you are joking. Naturally you would not receive a highwayman in Cornificia's house, and

laughed Marcia, and Cor

s old-world, slow salute to Marcia. His bright eyes moved alertly amid wrinkles. He looked something like the statues of the elder Cato, only with a kindlier humor and less obs

ably. Nevertheless, they only summon me for consultation when they hope to gain a year or two for somebody. Marcia, unless you let Bultius

are his couch. Sextus sat down and began chafing the old doct

sked. "We are here to ch

th?" Liviu

ree parts it would fall asunder. None but Commodus can save us from a civil war.

y with its hastily smeared car

ady to betray themselves," said Galen. "Gi

red her victim th

fied to Sextus' death and there were twenty other witnesses. Nor is he Maternus the highwayman. Maternus was crucified. That other Maternus, who is rumored to live in the Aventine Hills, is an im

r, although she paus

isites are safe. You are as crafty a spy as any rat in the palace cellars. You have kept yourself informed in order to get the pickings w

orced himself on Pertinax, who should have had him mu

phical!" cor

ould be cruel for the sake of cruelty and loyal for the sake of pride. Her beauty was a mere means to an end-the end intrigue,

eep a spy in Britain,-one in Gaul, another in Severus' camp. I r

d. "It came yesterday. It

ius, his knees begi

ded arms. "Who stole the list I sent to Pertinax, of names of the important men w

ivius shrugged

t to Pertinax. You heard me promise I would send it to him. None but yo

y!" said Marcia. "The

wers, too," said Liviu

I know nothi

sewer of Rome," said Marcia. "Not that I need the list. I know what nam

and Livius, like a drowning man who thin

you imagine! I know all about you! I perc

cing at Cornificia. But she made a gesture with her hand th

lmed him and he blurted out the information Marcia was seek

the palace for a few hours, and they may light your funeral fires! My journal, with the names of

comfortably on the couch and Galen began whispering to Sextus. The two other women looked amused. Reaction s

give her an inkling of what you know. Go with her to her apartment and watch her dress; then make an excuse to keep her waiting in your room while you go back and search hers. Have help if you need it; tak

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