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Was it love - A billionaire's maid

Chapter 8 Xavier Richards with his mistress

Word Count: 1006    |    Released on: 11/08/2022

that frown on your fa

ht to know what's

or fifties was laying nake

ly in his

re was something bothering him. Somet

are. It's just the us

s back

Paul will be jo

rown up strong


sing the baton

away from

nature. Jus

woman and lovingl


up with a ho

k about handing your

she been bugging you

up, letting go

eed to bring h

ything anymore in this life.

et her

eld his knees wit

later my boys will have to shoulder the responsi

them on board as

you talki

ld people do wh

lips with

e. I am not yet giving up on that


rds did n

chair. Wrapped his naked body and walke

sighed t

getting cold in bed but he is ge


been so long si

on't stop b

ng her trump car

my fo

s she got slo

persuade the man walking

ing to give up


ou still goign to mak

d a warm

ack but it seemed h

! Pleasure ex

running all

t is

n arrived all

the guest room be

lling him that you are not entertaining any gue

ds raised

n? At thi

y sorry Sir about

s not something

in a minute and make him

ou sau

r bowed a


r and your father

caught u


They even have a weird marriage


me and Suzan. As if marri


er we are leaving


r stuffs

at Thompson is

s his chopper

he helipad to con

be heading

morrow, I will arrange f

t back at t

t darl

with his

ving me all a

an comp

m promising that

r her forehea

to smile . Kisse


my old

ear hug. But Thomps

t take my he

sort project

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eam pr

it in the hands of

tood his frie



rried about

e local gangs I hired to get t

s. Famili

hear yo

lved to get rid of

rnt and

ce got i

landscape i

mouth dro



I not in

s mobile but Thom

would not tru

ave been wait

make you see with your own ey

sly Xa

m project to be build

of all people to be


y more time. Let's h

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1 Chapter 1 A stormy encounter2 Chapter 2 Richard Mansion3 Chapter 3 Job landing on you4 Chapter 4 A new dress, a new day5 Chapter 5 I will read you a story6 Chapter 6 You make my heart race7 Chapter 7 Money can't buy you everything 8 Chapter 8 Xavier Richards with his mistress9 Chapter 9 Miss Cathy the kitty cat10 Chapter 10 What is his relationship with her again 11 Chapter 11 Boyfriends!!! What! 12 Chapter 12 Carter is my name13 Chapter 13 Living as a shadow in my own house14 Chapter 14 Was that jealousy Peter 15 Chapter 15 Will you really do that mother 16 Chapter 16 Punishment17 Chapter 17 Cinderella 's first dance18 Chapter 18 Peter danced with a maid 19 Chapter 19 A killer vacation20 Chapter 20 Flower for the guest21 Chapter 21 His private retreat by the lake22 Chapter 22 Teresa had a great fall23 Chapter 23 His drunken daze24 Chapter 24 Can I have you ....... 25 Chapter 25 Tell him I will take you home26 Chapter 26 Sorry! Master Simon27 Chapter 27 What exactly did Simon want 28 Chapter 28 Tina Madam must be an angel29 Chapter 29 Peter, you must come! 30 Chapter 30 A sugar cube carried by the ants31 Chapter 31 Who is that girl Peter is with32 Chapter 32 You have me ... Do I really 33 Chapter 33 Nobody interferes in my life34 Chapter 34 Somebody missing on board35 Chapter 35 Taming the Unruly Maid36 Chapter 36 What happened to this child 37 Chapter 37 Dark clouds from the past overshadowing again38 Chapter 38 Her blood matches my blood type 39 Chapter 39 Party All of a sudden 40 Chapter 40 Relax, Teresa, it will be alright! 41 Chapter 41 Should have ruptured his... 42 Chapter 42 The thirty fifth couple43 Chapter 43 Want to play catch 44 Chapter 44 Let the games begin45 Chapter 45 Just chatting46 Chapter 46 He's a player47 Chapter 47 Obstacle Course48 Chapter 48 That b*tch49 Chapter 49 His criminal revenge50 Chapter 50 The Famous Five51 Chapter 51 You were that reckless guy 52 Chapter 52 It's her... She is the one53 Chapter 53 The public airlift54 Chapter 54 The private escape55 Chapter 55 Crash landing on an islan with you56 Chapter 56 Panic back home57 Chapter 57 An exotic world58 Chapter 58 My pet Dalmatian59 Chapter 59 A forbidden temptation 60 Chapter 60 Carter is interested 61 Chapter 61 Don't mess with me! Tina62 Chapter 62 A dreaming63 Chapter 63 Xavier Richard is missing 64 Chapter 64 Sound of the chopper blade65 Chapter 65 Simon at the auction with May66 Chapter 66 Unadulterated67 Chapter 67 Carter, the bad boy68 Chapter 68 His Adam's Apple69 Chapter 69 Their first time : Too much heat70 Chapter 70 Last night's haze71 Chapter 71 They lost everything72 Chapter 72 Saved at last73 Chapter 73 A fishy ride back to the shore74 Chapter 74 Peter and Carter75 Chapter 75 A brand new piece of shock76 Chapter 76 Makeshift arrangements77 Chapter 77 A second option78 Chapter 78 A( business) proposal79 Chapter 79 A home... Her home80 Chapter 80 I will be there 81 Chapter 81 Run an errand82 Chapter 82 Help Me please 83 Chapter 83 His betrothed84 Chapter 84 Why keep pulling her when you have a fiancee 85 Chapter 85 Short clip86 Chapter 86 I do not feel very well! 87 Chapter 87 I have to go there myself 88 Chapter 88 Pregnant! 89 Chapter 89 A burden 90 Chapter 90 I will take care of your baby 91 Chapter 91 Are you going to stand up against your brothers for a mere maid 92 Chapter 92 Misunderstanding93 Chapter 93 Our second night together 94 Chapter 94 Do you want to go for a ride baby 95 Chapter 95 Please don't go Peter 96 Chapter 96 Dusty knows97 Chapter 97 HIATUS98 Chapter 98 A (Very) married Teresa99 Chapter 99 Why does she not come back ...Peter100 Chapter 100 A (new) job... Much needed