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Vend To The Mafia Lord

Chapter 4 4. Mr Blaine takes me to the client

Word Count: 1052    |    Released on: 12/08/2022

ou have to change” she said. She was nervous. “No, I don't want to dance, I can't” I flinched. “You ain't dancing here like everyone, yours is special in a pr

hing contract especially when I had not read it before first. “Don't worry, it's not important but you have to sign them before you start dancing” she wasn't convincing enough so I picked up the papers to read. Damn!. It was more than five pages, which type of work contract was that? A dead treaty!. That called for my attention and I had to read before doing anything stupid. “You can't read all of this now. Trust me they are just working confidentialities. You have to sign them before another lady takes your place” she hastened me and I signed without reading. I trusted her, she was my best and only friend. As soon as I signed the papers the man said: “Come with me”. I glared at Besty, I was just so confused. She nodded and followed us “You, wait for me here” he stopped her. “OMG, why does it look like I've sold my soul to the devil?” I cried deep down. Everything went on so fast. “I hope Bet, told you the rules so please don't misbehave if you want to get paid well,” the man said then he opened the lodge, pushed me inside and he moved away locking the door behind him. Drips of tears escaped my eyes at the sound of the door slamming. I wasn't ready for all that. What was I to do?… My legs were trembling in fear and the room was also very cold. My heart was pounding so fast that it rendered me weak. I was still staring at the door. “FUCK!” I screamed at the top of my voice. I was quivering as I turned around and saw a man seated on a couch staring at me. This gave me some goosebumps with a freezing chill moving down my spine. Taking from his appearance, hmmm… He was scary. I couldn't see his face. He was hiding in th

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