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Castles in the Air

Chapter 10 No.10

Word Count: 1197    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

dinner. I had drifted in there chiefly because I had quite accidentally caught sight of M. le Marquis de Firmin-Latour walking arm-in-arm up the Rue Lepic with a lady who was both youthful and c

my wish to make the personal acquaintance of M. de Firmin-Latour,

t, was the beginning of an adventure which might prove the turning-point in his career and . . . my opportunity.

ucculent meal, and chatted light-heartedly with his companion, until presently

, and more champagne, and then dessert-peaches, strawberries, bonbons, liqueurs, flowers, and what not, until I could see that the bill which presently he would be c

to see the little comedy through to the end, and I watched with a good deal of int

to be paid for; but I saw and heard everything. The waiter stood by, silent and obsequious at first, whilst M. le Marquis hunted through all his pockets. Then there was some whispered colloquy, and the waiter's attitude lost something of its correct d

unity had come. With consummate sang-froid, I advanced towards the agitated group composed of M. le Marquis, the proprietor, and the head

l allow me . . ." I p

for nine hu

n fool enough to lend them to this young scapegrace. No! What I did was to extract from my notebook a card, one of a series which I always keep by me in case of an emergency like the present one. It bore the legend: "Comte Hercule de Montjoie, secrétaire particulier de M. le Duc d'Otrante," a

nd. I will be guarantee f

sonages deign to frequent the .restaurants of Montmartre. M. le Marquis, on the other hand, looked completely bewildered, whilst I, ta

dear Marquis. It is so

to the

th eyes of appreciation and of wonder. The proprietor himself offered me my hat, an

n as he had recovered his breat

u can back to your palace in the Rue de Grammont before our friend the proprietor discovers the sev

t I will have the pleasure to call on you

uis," I retorted with a pleasant la

he st

ducted this delicate affair for you with tact and discretion, then, in your own interest I should a

more bewilde

" he murmure

rvice should you desire to extricate yourself from the humiliating financial po

absolutely perfect; to have spoken another word might have spoilt it. Moreover, there was no knowing how soon the proprietor of that hum

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