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Dawn of the Vampires

Chapter 3 Confusion and Consequences

Word Count: 4360    |    Released on: 16/08/2022

already. Unless he was playing mind games with her. In complete disbelief, all she could do was stand completely still and stare at the monster that had just saved h

ght sky, holding a warmth that she had

now. Can I?"

me to decide."

s a little more on the conversation they were having and not his char

only just met, but who also hasn't formall

d. "Oh, and it's Mason, by the way. Maso

eatening compared to other blood suckers that she had encountered, and now she

arley but it seems that you alr

ould you associate with a

nzo, something along those lines." She list

t exactly the kind of hunter he'd thought her to be. She seemed to be rather different to her father and those that came

been watching too many

aving my ass back there." She said, her ton

a hunter and he was still a vampire. Two polar opposites, destined to be enemies. Yet here she was, not even trying

big trouble when he returned to Demitri before sunrise. It was among the top three rules of the clan that a member must not kill another. In fact, it was punishable by both expulsion from the clan

e it really puts things in

e had forgotten about for a long time, but now that it had come back he didn't want to let go of it.

eful out here. The day walkers are worse than

ng whether she had just dreamt the whole night, but deep down she knew that it was real. There was no waking up from this. Knowing that her father would blow a fuse if she wasn't back by breakfast, she slowly took her first few steps on the route


his leader wasn't there right now. But he knew that it was false hope, their leader was there ninety percent

on would be worse than death, or come clean and accept whatever fate his leader chose for him. Hanging his head, he continued through the tunnel until he reached

ve been unsettling if Mason hadn't been used to it. Though th

derer returns…"

he does." Mas

What is the scoop of the

g you'll be proud

l? Save an orphan? Come on, brot

and that there was no turning back now. "Not exactl

appeared immediately, only making Mason more nervous. He set his eyes

ou do?" Dem

down five of your vampires. I wouldn't have done it unless

tri was holding Mason three feet in the air by his throat. He didn't struggle to get free, know

our own clan. From my clan! Recite to m

vampire from the cla

ve! A crime this bad ought to bring you punishment far worse

st balance and fell to his knees. He knew better than to beg

d, I didn't have a choic

ave you with no choice?" Demitri

r rules." He fibbed, hoping

n, Mason, what rule were t

aking plans to overthr

to try that!" He scoffed. "Which means that you have something to hide… come on, don't be a fool. Aft

I really am…" Mason began,

h that I could say your cooperation would mini

me." He stated, remaining calm. "The real reason why I kil

of annoyance, disappointment and rage. It was at this point that he knew he

ke he'd just put a sour sweet on just t

Mason answe

e obvious that Demitri had not liked the answer to his qu

five of your own kind from this clan just

just any normal human, you see she

lew across the room gripping Mason, this ti

d. For you, my first prodigy, I will make it far worse than death. I hereby sentence you to a month of extreme torture! Every morning when you return here, you shall be taken to our prison and from there you will begin to receive your beatings." Demitri announced

ard the conversation as from every direction he looked, there were glares and cold stares. Feeling more like an outsider than he ever had before, he took off down one of the tunnels that led to his home; if you could even call it that. Mostly it was j

ve that he was not like them. Maybe he wasn't, at least not mentally. Physically, he was exactly the same. What had bothered him the most in the base was not the looks he got from the rest of the clan, but th

und in the park during the fight. He smiled at the thought that it gave him a reason to se


p but failed miserably as her mind kept wandering back to Mason and how he had saved her life. Growing up she had been taught by her father not to tr

one out for whatever reason, leaving her alone in the apartment with only her grandfather sitting in front of the television, not speaking a word. She sat patiently waiting for her father to return so that she

" He que

She exc

early." He

leep." She

" He sh

ing we need to talk

on as her words reached his ears. His expression was grim and

do proceed.

ned. "I have reason to believe that the vampires are planning an uprising. Last night, the

here on earth would you get an

s information came from a trus

hat was that sour

and kill him before nightfall. She searched her mind to come up with a cover story. "Me- I mean, I ran into

that he'd saved her life. But he was still a vampire, and as a hunter she should have killed him on the spot. It was strange, but

girl and go take over my shift, I would have stayed out

got home. I need a b

to disobey me?"

sighed i

olster hidden in her belt. She couldn't help but feel a little resentment towards the man. It always seemed that he favoured her half-sister over her, and when she called him out on it he always accused her of being jea

felt the strong need to be there again. Upon arrival, she quickly located the headstone and knelt down in front of it. Closing her eyes, the picture of her mother's face crept through the darkness and Harley felt a pain she had buried for th

place for any of those things in her messy life, and especially since her mother had passed away. It

nting, it's suffocating me and I feel like I can't breathe… Well, I'll be honest, it's not exactly the lifestyle that's causing this crushing weight. I'm tired of lying to myself, I can't lie anymore, hunting isn't the problem… It's dad. Lately he's been putting so much pressure on me to do better and I can't take it. I've tried to talk to him but he doesn't listen to what I need.

at to believe anymore, but I need to do this. You're the only one who I don't have to hide from. The truth is that I need a life outside of hunting. I long for many things that I know are impossible to have; a best friend, someone who I can share anything with and who would never stop caring just because new people enter their lives, and I need love because whenever I try to picture

her ears. Glancing around, she could see no one in the vicinity and frowned in confusion. It was not the

dows by the church." T

back as she walked up. Getting ready to shoot, she quic

ing here? It's broad da

tunnels and as long as I stay I'm the

're here becaus

n the park. It must have happened during the

nd as she took a closer look, she noticed that he was holding a silver cross pendant; something that her mother had gifted her to celebrat

he said ecstatically

nyway? It's not like it offers any protection from

from my mom."

he travelling for work or so

Turning her head to the side so that he couldn't see, she wiped at her eye

smiled, the white of his fang

y didn't you just wait until night?" She question

questioning a nice gesture, which only added more questions that he wanted to ask her. The truth was that he did

to you, and I didn't want you to panic thinking

ing her to feel a hint of softness towards him; something that she hadn't felt in a long time and never at all when it came to vampir

retty dumb move, don't you think?" She reto

the risk." He s

a gun, a dagger and a katana hidd

u're not going to hu

you know tha

e it already. A hunter does

ere… But I don't hes

still roaming the

egan, but

She didn't even know why she hadn't killed him. As a hunter it was her number one instinc

She answered, even though she co

were here in the cemetery,

on't know." S

ither. Opening her mouth to speak, she found that all words had escaped her and the only thing she could do was stare at him. Was he using his mind control on her? No vampire had been able to do that bef

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