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Charles Rex

Chapter 10 SALTASH

Word Count: 2374    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

est waters. They sat for a space on a seat in the soft spring starlight, while below them on the down there thrilled the unspeakable music of nightingales sing

k of the seat. At their feet lay an old red setter, Chops, who had belong

the old dog with a gentle hand. "Do you know, Maud, it's a good t

ontented smile. "I thin

nly would never ha

n the face of the earth, and I don't pick up much as I go

ht in her eyes. "I sometimes wonder," she said

note. "My dear girl, I-w

ad. "No, not eve

's bad," he sugg

nk you're really old," she said. "I think you're just beginning to grow up. No, don't laugh! I am quite ser

worth while?"

wild pleasures of life. Charlie, I'm not good at expressing things, and I'

carried her hand to his lips. "Ma

his. "I hate you to be

have you that tha

ike a beastly hermit-except that I cut my nails and brush my hair

wered him, and

reine! There

d impulsively. "Forgiv

tion. There was a child on board of the female species,-very small and badly frig

his daughter?"

is undergoing repairs in a nursing home, and the child-well, I've got to look after th

mpassion. "The poor litt

of her. When wi

endured for another moment?" laughed Saltas

afe keeping," protested Maud. "Ho

n that," said Salta


w!" gibed Saltash, getting

n't! Because I know that the big things are in you and always

uld look all round it to make sure it hadn't been broken

ldn't. I know-Charles

ious lady, do not forget that my crest is a fox

eyes. "I will give you another motto, Ch

lmost a protest. "For how long? Do y

ning as stars that shine through mist. "Yes, I love you, Charlie," she sa

wholly hidden from her. "I've never been-rea

e-with a touch of shyness-she spoke again. "You have never been-rea

l holding her hands. "I thou

"No. There is-


r yet touched the joy of loving someone better-far better-than you love

tain eagerness. "Maud, I could

e me! I couldn't have inspired it in you. I was too selfish my

rles Rex, half-mocki

ng from the subject with a faint sigh. "Wel

f view or Jake's?"

of course. He is going

ted Saltash. "You'll never cope with

errace into the quiet h

ours is to be the p

lent nursery in which the two youngest children lay sl

by's cot, and Saltash looked down upon the flushed

being married and done

ed and lightly touched the fair silken hair, but he d

nd Molly who was not yet four. Maud did not follow him, and presently he came back, treading softly

abruptly. "Then I may send that

g her?" said

day-on Sunday perhaps-and see you all aga

our with which he received and kissed it surprised her

. "I am only saluting mo

here were moments when even she who kne

and Saltash turned to

" he said, and dropped

, ma chère. Yo

ad sung together, and Maud leaned back on a deep settee

l. His spirit spoke to hers with an intimacy which ordinary converse had never attained. It was

her feet when Jake and Bunny came in, and Saltash very swi

he said, "and she has been heroically but quite ineffectually tryin

my account!

m a rotten villain, Jake. I never could keep it up, and your

stretched his left to Jake with a s

e hundredth chance," he said. "I sh

n his soft drawl.

ned away, to be instant

boss has been telling me. You'

take it," s

t impulsively. "I'll take anything from you, Charl

sort I want. Look here, I can't stop now. But I'll com

y," sai

ing you up tomorrow, Maud. Yo

" she said w

bow and went

band. "Jake, I've got something

e. "Oh, I guess not. You've fixed it all up without my help.

r a moment. "Jake, you don't mind, d

or. "I'll tell whether I mind a week from now.

m. "Jake, I'm-horribl


e is just beginning-to be sorry

e awake over it," said

and I shall keep you in

th determination gl

ry horrid,

contrasts, and we can't all be kings and queens. G

ll. "What is Charlie

y. He's going to help old Bishop. I think the life will b

d of Charlie

w stairs. "Hope he'll keep it up, but it won't surprise me any if he

't understand h

grim. It indicated that he had no int

ether in silence. At the door of her room she tur

pporting her. "Shall I come

Don't be late yourself, that's all! And-J


nto the free, dominant eyes with all her soul laid open to their look. "There

an impartial judge, I reckon. Barring the fact that I'm your mate, I'

e he?" s

There! Don't get excited! No doubt he meant well! And I certainl

unburnt face to hers. "D

nd were caught in

s moon-struck as I a

I am," she w

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