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Chapter 106 You already left

Word Count: 1200    |    Released on: 02/11/2022


As if that was not enough, you told me you were busy working and then I overheard you talking to someone on the

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1 Chapter 1 The Beginning 2 Chapter 2 The Break Up3 Chapter 3 A fresh start 4 Chapter 4 The movie Star a New Job5 Chapter 5 On Set6 Chapter 6 The Jacket and the Party7 Chapter 7 A jerk Or maybe Not8 Chapter 8 At the Gym9 Chapter 9 Meeting Hardin Hall10 Chapter 10 In Khloe's Room11 Chapter 11 Him Again. 12 Chapter 12 Mother's Day! 13 Chapter 13 Okay being Solo14 Chapter 14 Is that really you, Khloe 15 Chapter 15 Hardin and Tiffany:Team Harny 16 Chapter 16 Hardin, please leave my house17 Chapter 17 Finally.. A kiss 18 Chapter 18 Spend the night with me for free19 Chapter 19 Karaoke.:Who would have thought 20 Chapter 20 A Safe space and a big secret21 Chapter 21 What else don't I know 22 Chapter 22 You're beautiful! 23 Chapter 23 Never have I ever24 Chapter 24 Truth Or Dare25 Chapter 25 Baby Sophie26 Chapter 26 Nursing back to health27 Chapter 27 Sexy and would show it off! 28 Chapter 28 Stay away from Khloe, will ya 29 Chapter 29 Something off about him30 Chapter 30 My mother is dead31 Chapter 31 It's always being my passion 32 Chapter 32 Just Sophie's nanny 33 Chapter 33 Do you love me 34 Chapter 34 Would you marry me 35 Chapter 35 The discovery36 Chapter 36 What are you doing in my house 37 Chapter 37 I love you so much Khloe38 Chapter 38 Is that a hickey 39 Chapter 39 Dane's return40 Chapter 40 Is this my baby 41 Chapter 41 Ten times the man you'll ever be 42 Chapter 42 Where is your ex wife really 43 Chapter 43 I'll tell the whole world she's my daughter 44 Chapter 44 You're such a goddamned liar 45 Chapter 45 What had she just seen 46 Chapter 46 I'm your best friend but not stupid47 Chapter 47 Jayden or Caden 48 Chapter 48 You're Georgia Smith right 49 Chapter 49 Don't listen to a word she says50 Chapter 50 My dad isn't a criminal 51 Chapter 51 Actually Georgia isn't a relative 52 Chapter 52 This baby isn't yours 53 Chapter 53 You and Hardin share nothing 54 Chapter 54 Why doesn't everyone I'm your girlfriend yet55 Chapter 55 Isn't this crazy 56 Chapter 56 You're a snake! 57 Chapter 57 We can fix this 58 Chapter 58 That's bloody59 Chapter 59 Khloe the new fav idol60 Chapter 60 Hardin and Khloe an actual item 61 Chapter 61 Why are you doing this to me 62 Chapter 62 The latest news63 Chapter 63 I'm hurting inside real bad64 Chapter 64 I'm not going anywhere 65 Chapter 65 I'm sorry but your baby died66 Chapter 66 Where is Khloe 67 Chapter 67 Show me where you hid Sophie! 68 Chapter 68 The police are on their way69 Chapter 69 Sir we are really innocent70 Chapter 70 We need to end what is between us71 Chapter 71 Deja Vu72 Chapter 72 You sound really stupid right now 73 Chapter 73 Was that song about Khloe 74 Chapter 74 We are not in an actual relationship 75 Chapter 75 The wedding of the year! 76 Chapter 76 Would you marry me 77 Chapter 77 Is that a ring I see 78 Chapter 78 All of this drama is unnecessary 79 Chapter 79 Let's go get you married! 80 Chapter 80 That was a long ass phone call 81 Chapter 81 The old Dane was back! 82 Chapter 82 Married to the devil himself83 Chapter 83 Do you want it the hard way 84 Chapter 84 The escape plan85 Chapter 85 Couple goals86 Chapter 86 Why did you marry that scum 87 Chapter 87 My Ex. 88 Chapter 88 I don't want a child! 89 Chapter 89 I'll unblock you 90 Chapter 90 Another baby 91 Chapter 91 You're going to be a Mom92 Chapter 92 New P. A93 Chapter 93 Definitely pregnant 94 Chapter 94 You're going nuts 95 Chapter 95 The witch locked me in! 96 Chapter 96 Both baby mamas97 Chapter 97 His favorite 98 Chapter 98 Obviously Skyler99 Chapter 99 Fancy meeting you here100 Chapter 100 What about your wife