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Charred Wood

Chapter 6 WHO IS RUTH

Word Count: 1657    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

objurgation as he recognized the man speaking to the clerk. Mark's thoughts were no longer of holy things, for

could, Mark shook hands with the detective, greeting him with a fair amount of cordiality, for, perso

wered. "I can't say the same of you, Mr. Griffin. I knew you w

ant to see me for? No, no. I am bad material for you to work on. Bett

you think, Griffin. By th


l join m

ks; I

a corner and ta

Saunders began. When he did, it w

and looking straight at Mark, "Griffin, w

take refuge again in the picturesque slang which the

do. What are y

show a little pique, "you have remarkable

Griffin. I am not a bo

rk's turn

information to me. I knew it

that tell

that you make up splendidly as

ness, but it is my business. Now, look here, Griffin, I want you to help instead of hindering me.

, "the constable has not

e seen h


en if he is not a good detective." Saunders

nings now. He knew well ho

l, interested i

aunders h

ark quietly, "sit down. What

d to Miss Atheson?

n't sa

in. "You know nothing

ds are good enough

s the Pa

er. He fixed them on Saunders, and h


hat Ruth Atheson i

who is

hard at Mark for what seemed a long time

and ought to be given a job as town crier, or you

ledge which you possess. Get it off your mind, man-better do it soon, for

w-it really looks as if you didn't. Are you the simon-pure M

u get that last bi

ignored t

ere as a traveler, aiming


never k


h Atheson


hear o




end to stay


d I guess it's my duty to tell you

Mark was

Atheson is not Ruth Atheson. She's the daughter of a grand duke. I can't tell you the name of the Grand Duchy, but I'll say this: it isn't very far from a certain Big Kingdom we hear a gre

hat he could speak. He saw a tragedy that

How do y

like. I was instructed to watch her. She got out

"how do I know you a

led out a postal card. "This will te

d as is sold in every country with portraits of reigning or distinguished personages. The facs

ers, with some sympathy showing on his face,

nders. You had better te

an with a trusted attendant. The attendant was evidently not to be trusted, for she disappeared, too. They were traced to London, the

you spoke of-wha

bad English, piercing black eyes, sixty years old, upper lip sho

m Neu

he? I suspected that, but I h

sn't go

isfied now,

ill ask the questions. I have

ers n

he Duchess

he answered. "I hate to

I do

right to know. There w

d at his own


fell in love with him, that's all. I was here watching for him. I thought, for a while, that you might be the man, though the descriptio


dent that they don't want her to meet him. I can't arrest her, and neither can they; but they certainly could do for him if they want

'm afraid that I don't know just what to do

about the

find it very hard

ow you are a gentleman, and because you have a right to know

onfidence, Saunders

ff. I don't blame you for wanting her. You know bette

m. On his table lay a not

Holy Communion last Sunday. His Lordship is a charming man. I'm sure you would like to meet him. Come up and


d Mur

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