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My high school lover

Chapter 5 Clinic check up gone wrong

Word Count: 931    |    Released on: 19/08/2022


trip and Candice was able to look after Patrick. "Hold on let me take you to the car, I managed to get her to the car and drive to the nearest clinic, it's not easy to see her struggling like this. "Beauty, babe are you still okay", Patrick asked Beauty as she could stop screaming from the pain


now, I am starting to get worst". We left and arrived at the clinic, we were hust sitting waiting for the first patients who got here before us to finish up with their appointment with the doctor. 5 minutes past "Can't we get there alr..." before I could even finish my sentence someone came in shouting for "help, my girlfriend needs your help", a young man came in carrying his girlfriend, she is pregnant and I guess it's time to give birth. Taking a look at the guy I was shocked "Patrick!" I said t


son, don't you want to see him", when the doctor said th



dn't say anything until I find a boyfriend. Speaking of boyfriend, Patrick also didn't come to schoo

for a second I got scared, and said to myself "is that the reason he didn't call me, he was sick". And Tracey continued speaking, "He has a pregnant girlfriend", "What?!" I couldn't believe Tracey said that "How come Tracey?", Tracey then said "Yes, he came in the clinic calling for help like 'hey help my girlfriend needs your help', and I even took them a picture here it is ". Tracey showed me the picture I couldn't believe that stupid dog lied to me. Before I could reply he showed up and was approaching me, "where does he get the nerve" I as

d between me Tracey and the boys. When Berry heard that I broke up with Patrick

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