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My Handsome CEO Daddy

Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 731    |    Released on: 18/08/2022

the man's face. All she could fe

nd unsettled her. She had a premonition that this would be a miserable night.

the intermittent sobbing of the girl upstairs and the

he man. The madness of the man made him suspicious of hi

n able to see what she looked like. But he did not want to see it either. She was just a means to satisfy his needs. Even

d stain on the bed startled him for a few seconds. He then instru


in a panic, and the cab driver asked her where she was go

go. She did not know what to say or how she would say it when she sees Way

he morning. Since Wayne had been working a lot at t

inside. She put the box down at the entrance of

he would have liked to throw hers

edroom. She was looking forward to seeing Wayne's

a naked girl, and that girl was none other than her half-brother's littl

mell in the air caused Aurora to cover her nose and


sage to Wayne's family. After unilaterally



, fashionable one-crotch dress came out with waist-

it was like autumn water, and her posture was unhurried. Her eyes, as clear as water

around her. He wore a handsome black uniform with cool dark jeans, small gray sneakers, a small oval face with a deep three-dimensional facial

hild, but Noah could feel a nobl

d his head and looked at Mami. His face was full of curios

laughed while stro

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