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Wanted By The Vampire King

Wanted By The Vampire King

Author: Aishatuh M

Chapter 1 1: Market Place

Word Count: 1124    |    Released on: 22/08/2022

e was being careful of objects that could harm her and large people that could knock her down. A wide smile appeared on her lips when she caught a gli

catch her breath. She looked up with a smile on her face and walked further into the shop, slightly closing her

water Faline offered to her. She waited until she had calmed

at forced a burst of rustling laughter out of her. No one had ever related her with marriage but Faline and she wondered why. Besides, she knew that even if she did want to g

or even related her to it. She was just Danika, the girl everyone maltreated and go scot-free, for she had

fore she turned to her with a smile, “I told you, Faline, that I’ll never get married. Even if Papa will take me to the runaway this mon

back home.” She sat beside her as Danika immediately ventured into the meal, “And I’ve always told you, Danika, you’ll

h Danika knew will never happen. They spent over an hour in the shop as she helped Faline with everything that she wan

she walked soundlessly to her room, which was the attic. Some days sleeping in the attic had been her worse nightmare, there were scorpions,

ster shouted toward her mother and Danika knew it was time to stop playing the hi

There were times when she wanted to give her a medicine of her own but she could not, even though she was a ye

almost immediately at the pressure her stepmother, Lamya used in hitting her. “Didn’t

er about a husband but for these people, she was certain they belittled her and thought she would have to stay with them until her l

in. “Papa, I…” she began, but the sound of his belt on her was what made her shrill in a cry as Lamya kept conve

in and it hurt as hell should. He beat her to his satisfaction and mercilessly threw her out of his way as he stomped to his room. He looked up to see Riah and Lamya smili

f the beating she had got, but for the way, her heart ached. She heard the sound of laughter and from the corner of

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