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Hating The Hot Guy

Hating The Hot Guy

Author: Aishatuh M

Chapter 1 1.

Word Count: 979    |    Released on: 22/08/2022

what her nagging mother was saying to her over the phone. She shifted the phone from her left to right ear and when she hissed, she made

s. “Anna, what are you trying to say? You have to come back home, I told you there’s no way you’r

e’s the man I love and sorry, but I’m already at the airport and my flight is in the next fifteen minutes. I’ll call you when I land.” She was barely fuming when she said that. She didn’t know what was w

already! What do you mean? Since when did you start travelling alone? Where’s your assistant? Give her the phone, you need to come back home now, Anna!” Anna would have laughed this off if

you know-” She was silenced when a strong shoulder nearly knocked her off and when she closed her eyes to embrace the embarrassment that came along with g

f from her waist and he looked at her, he was staring at her as though h

she was having a phone call and she had to catch a flight in how many minutes? She looked over her

yself. Bye.” She ended the call before her Mother got another excuse to anger her even

too, you’re walking without being careful of your front and, I saved your ass from getting to the floor, didn’t I?”

his is your freaking excuse for nearly taking me down? That I’m on the phone?!” She was yelling at her, with her eyes closed as she wanted to exhaust her anger on him. She knew if she was

into that thick skull. “Do you know what? You’re an idiot. I don’t know what gives you the impression that I’d apologize to you for something that’s your fault. I don’t know what you’re doing in an airport…” he let his words trailed off as his gaze quickly wandered back to the trolley she was holding, her knuckles getting pale at the way she was tightly holdin

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