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365 days to fall in love

Chapter 2 I choose...to be free

Word Count: 2022    |    Released on: 23/08/2022


. She ran with the hope of being free, she thought that the rain would wash away her pain but it didn't. She sat under an oak tree and watched how people ran to seek for shelter but she could no longer feel the cold because it had become a part of her. Her hair, as well as her clothes had stuck to her skin but the only thing she could do was let the tears flow

me safely", was all he said then he left. Alexandra s

ll get married to you", she thought as

rowed brows, Carlos pulled Alexandra close and

came here to see each other secretly", Alexandra didn't utter a word, she just stared at the fl

titute or a customer but you two are reputable people and you claim to be engaged so you

immediately removed her hand and looked aside, the police officer was focused on calling the judge a

quickly wiped it and entered, Carlos looked at her and somewhere deep within his heart, he felt b

ment, your honour?", Carlos a

andra but she simply stared at the documents, motionlessly. Carlos sighed and collected the pen then he signed, he dropped the pen on the document instead of handing it over to Alexandra, the judge noticed the look on her face and her shaky hand as she picked the pen and signed while she fought back tears, Judge Ramirez stamped it and pointed to the door so they had to leave. A

around and now you? How dare you? Once again, you've proven how despicable you are...you have ru

he immediately removed

e flashes almost blinded her eyes but she descended the stairs slowly and they all rushed at her with various questions. She was not used to the attention so she tried to run but they wer

wife to be", he said sternly and

ared at the news in shock, she looked at

emote control and it landed a fatal blow to the screen of the television w

seat as she stared at

possible?...No, this can't be happening

getting married to a mere journalist, he has just made my work mo

nd it broke as she stared at the screen of the televisi

.never!", Alphonsa said and ran to her room, Mr David sighed and left but Mrs David to

ild, what have you

the look on Alexandra's face and it wasn't a look of consent so he smiled as he slowly descended from the stairs to meet his strong sister who had watched her moth

angry but he wasn't. He held her hand and took her into the apartment, she saw various kinds of food on the table and most of it were her favourites, she st

last time we'll see each other this year so we should make th

...I was forced, I...", Fernando

can never do anything wron

t've seen it already..

igh because you didn't do anything wr

shower and join me here, we'll definitely fill our bel

ike you", she said and passed him, tears

never let go of the stick no matter how hard I pul

u happy", Alexandra smiled and left then Fernando turned as a tear rolled down his cheek while he st

h his hands at his back, he suddenly remembered, "No

y my best to make it up to that journalist", he was about to go to his room when he suddenly remembered his

rna...I will fight for that company with my sweat and blood but I won't let them

her and everyone was talking about her, some said she was a golddigger who had clung to Carlos for his money while some had pitied her. Some of her coworkers even envied her but she considered herself to be the most unfortunate person on earth. She used to be so free, she could drink coffee anywhere in the city, she could d

risk going to jail for the rest of my life?", she suddenly looked up and saw Carlos standing infront

rlier", he said with a smile on

ters started taking pictures and Kafy stared at them in shock, Carlos didn't know the time his hands slowly patted Alex

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