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The Billionaire's Stripper Wife

Chapter 3 Sufferings

Word Count: 2193    |    Released on: 26/08/2022

panting heavily. Only she knew how she was able to reach the hospit

nodded her head. She herse

ad to call the ambulance and bring her here.” She said with a bit of a shaky voice. Olivia would thank her profusely if she was in her senses at that moment. Aunt Mary was her mother’s best friend from c

a’s back. Olivia pushed back the tears that were threatening to flow

ling the emotions from bursting out. It always calmed her

she rushed to him to ask

n a professional tone. Olivia went behind him

obably noticing her fidgeting and looking anxious. He knew Olivia and her mother since they occasiona

chemo session earlier today, so it explains her current condition.” H

ere tears of happiness that there was no threat—at least for the time being or tears

tissues which she took thank

rself together.” The kind doctor said making her let out a sigh. He was right. She was given the situation, and

ia more than her own condition. She should

fter the process. And don’t worry, little one!” Dr. Robert said giving her the prescription and told her tea

fy him calling her that. But she kne

ffice going to her mother. She was sleeping peacefu

asked her worriedly. She

and looked at her mother who looked so peaceful. She wanted to take away all the pain an

Mary sighed

est. I am here with mom.” She said to Ma

at because Mary

She shook her head empathetically. She did not like Olivia’s job but neither did Olivia. She had told her aunt about the nat

rom saying anything else despite being dis

medicine until she wakes up." Mary said g

her mother’s condition, but it hit her again while she wai

was beyond her how a mature looking man could not get the idea that she was not a least bit interested i

. She came out of her train of thoughts and looked at her mother who w

asked taking her m

ion but a statement. It was amazing how she could decipher her f

ed at he

ke.” She told her kissing the b

grown up to be so beautiful and strong. She even knew how to hide her pain from her mother.

ced sudden fatigues, bleeding, and diarrhea for the last few years, but she did not

ident when she was very young. He was a family man, but

soft-hearted and innocent chil

, “The doctor said we can take her.” Mary in

ng you again.” Amelia said weakly as s

tried to make light of the situation while remembering the good old days. Olivia laughed. Ameli

ia made her stand up, and they took her to the apartment w


while she was sitting on the couch, and Olivia was busy

he went to her room

of the club, Mr. Morris. She did

l pissed-off tone like he was against the whole world or the world was

she would not attend to work the following night. Her mother was not in a good state. She had to wash up the bed sheets and all as there was mess everyw

thing. He was always like that to the workers and employees. If it was not for the

ation she was in. She took a few seco

have to go. Will you be okay?” She as

ng okay?”

er requested me to assist them.” She made an excuse.

preading her arms. Olivia shook her head with a smile bef

er.” She laughed quietly as she heard her daughter say. She had insistentl

er after she saw Olivia narrowing her

hurry as she poured some soup for her mother and fed her quick

.” Amelia shouted while she

cheek saying her goodbye and left the tiny apartment consisting of two small rooms,

. Morris had given her an hour’s ultimatum. Thank God, she r

o do the other day—Monday. Despite the factor, she gave her all

t to Laura. It was a rule that all the strippers had to follow. The club gave t

to her mother. It was already late since she was instructed to give a lo

om, a strong pair of hands grabbed her and put

agged her to the dark hallway that was situated at the back of the club. It was mostly

h a key. She tried to kick him with her silver stilettos and succeeded in doing so as she buried her heels in

de forcefully and bit her left earlob

as she rec

unfold. Someone not too keen to f

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1 Chapter 1 Inevitable Tragedies2 Chapter 2 First Glance3 Chapter 3 Sufferings4 Chapter 4 First Meeting5 Chapter 5 Consequences6 Chapter 6 Decisions7 Chapter 7 The Offer8 Chapter 8 Rejection9 Chapter 9 The Warning10 Chapter 10 Stubbornness11 Chapter 11 Lashing out in the Rain12 Chapter 12 The Last Card13 Chapter 13 The Last Straw14 Chapter 14 Giving In15 Chapter 15 The Contract16 Chapter 16 The Progress17 Chapter 17 The Preparations18 Chapter 18 The Wedding Dress19 Chapter 19 The Makeover20 Chapter 20 The Proposal21 Chapter 21 The First Kiss22 Chapter 22 The Emerging Desire23 Chapter 23 Thomas VS Grandpa24 Chapter 24 Is the Marriage Cancelled 25 Chapter 25 The Argument26 Chapter 26 Meeting the Grandpa27 Chapter 27 Big Wedding 28 Chapter 28 The D-Day29 Chapter 29 Mr. and Mrs. Walker30 Chapter 30 First Day as a Couple31 Chapter 31 Forbidden32 Chapter 32 What the Hell, Thomas 33 Chapter 33 Seeking Answers34 Chapter 34 Calm After Storm35 Chapter 35 The Pasta and the Dance36 Chapter 36 Small Talks37 Chapter 37 Holding Hands38 Chapter 38 Soft Feelings and Reliance39 Chapter 39 Thomas, the Official Heir!40 Chapter 40 Misunderstandings41 Chapter 41 Conversations42 Chapter 42 Honeymoon Plans43 Chapter 43 Edmonton44 Chapter 44 New Entry45 Chapter 45 Falling46 Chapter 46 Embarrassment47 Chapter 47 Apologies and Acceptance48 Chapter 48 Leo's Birthday49 Chapter 49 Party Pooper50 Chapter 50 Fear and Bad Experiences51 Chapter 51 Stay With Me52 Chapter 52 Secrets Sharing53 Chapter 53 Kissing Her, Finally!54 Chapter 54 Affection55 Chapter 55 Going Against Intentions56 Chapter 56 Getting Normal57 Chapter 57 End of Honeymoon Diaries58 Chapter 58 Love 59 Chapter 59 Irresistible60 Chapter 60 The Unwanted Connection61 Chapter 61 Ignoring Him62 Chapter 62 Her Return63 Chapter 63 Running Away64 Chapter 64 Moving to Grandpa's65 Chapter 65 Putting a Full Stop66 Chapter 66 Drinking Away the Misery67 Chapter 67 Love Pfft!68 Chapter 68 Long-Distanced Marriage69 Chapter 69 The Unexpected Meeting70 Chapter 70 Jealousy is a Love Disease71 Chapter 71 Moving Away72 Chapter 72 Confrontation73 Chapter 73 Damage74 Chapter 74 Detachment75 Chapter 75 Speechless76 Chapter 76 The Dinner77 Chapter 77 The Horror78 Chapter 78 Back Hug79 Chapter 79 Revelation80 Chapter 80 Confession81 Chapter 81 D-divorce82 Chapter 82 Joe Williams is Back83 Chapter 83 Saving Her