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Author: sally rock

Chapter 1 Caroline

Word Count: 6305    |    Released on: 03/09/2022

afe, which has the best caramel espresso macchiatos I have ever tasted. I switched one girl hours so now I'm working this week and off the next. Which worked out perfe

specially with the kids at Seattle

heir child. But I love renovating houses, even if I am using lots of YouTube videos to figure out

I'm looking forward to that week off and I can spend it with my boyfriend. I feel bad I haven't been able to spend much time with

es me sick. Literally, it makes me sick. I've tried it but it messes up my blood sugar for some reason. When I tried the vegetarian diet, I was in a coma. I

haven't got very far because of all the hours I work. So, while I have this open stretch of time, I'll do a lit

he server asks, pulling me out of the story. I clos

'm a regular, so everyone knows me. I take a drink of my c

arge crowd of chattering nurses and make my way to the stairs, heading to the third floor. "Hey wait up!" I hear a deep baritone and I turn my head to see who said it and I see a man in a white doctor's coat running up to me;

t's bad enough that I'm one of the top neurosurgeons in the state. So, it's like I'm constantly followed by

ents more than I care about my status. but yet I c

bably heard about me all the way into the London, granting this is actually dr. merci. "And by your facial expression I'll take that as a yes, however it seems we agree on something, we both don't like being popular," he pauses thinking about something. He now has my interest because I can smell a lie a m

titles. For the record I don't think you'll be living down the model thing for a while, the only reason I know about it is because my roommate back in college was obsessed with pop culture and thought I needed to know it too. but until you mentioned it, I wasn't sure if you were him or not. all I knew was, you were coming sometime this week." I motion for him to walk up with me as we continue talking. I don't know why but it feels easy talking to him. li

what I said but he's staring at my arm and it's as if he's trying to control something I'm not sure of

t came from? his voice taking on a deeper edge, I almost forget

that the hospital will try to interfere, and their efforts will only make matters worse. after realizing

t came from, I hate reliving my mother's death, because though I dived in the way, it

s, and I can see him being treated for a few major cuts. When his eyes latch on mine, I can't help it my

ckwards from three. Dr. Merci seems to notice my panic because he looks out the small window i

s, drifting his gaze back to meet mine and there's an intensity that makes me want to tell him

tay away from people over forty going on sixty. Nope, not my style." yeah, I tend to be a smart mouth in times of panic. I heard Dr. Merci chuckle quietly. I thought Ph

s November seventh. The day Philip gets out of jail. I also see I have seven minutes until I have to clock in work. "Well, this day gets better and better. Well, I'm going to run into him eventually, mines well get

k straight to my office while chanting like a mantra. I'm

s that you? – nurse I don't care, she's one of the best surgeons I want Carr

t I will be okay, I ask for Philip's file from the nurse and look it over silently nodding my head as I calculate how to go about this. I am not sure how well this is going to go, but I have to try. His X-ray showed some minor fractures, and it looks like he has bleeding on the brain. But I

fluorescent lighting. his eyes look sunken in with hard times. his dark eye

whisper barely able to get the words out as I try to keep from showing just how much the words affected me. I run out of the room and quickly talk to the nurse telling her that I'm not a good fit for Philip and that he needs a different doctor to look aft

, but it has been a pretty bad year for me. it started right after I moved here, i met a guy at a bar and after he tried to spike my drink and get it to look like I was too drunk. I made a spectacle out of it and ruined his carrier he told

t I can't, seeing him has brought back memories of all the pain I've endured over the years. it physically hurts to see him to be reminded of what he did. my breathing comes in quick gasps as I squeeze my eyes shut, t

tartling me makes it to where I take in a shocked breath, I stand up wiping my face and

et him in. He raises an eyebrow obviously wondering if I am going to l

asks as soon as he enters my office. I look anywhere but at him a

ready got so far. "Based on what I'm seeing I cannot tell you what we need to work on first. it looks li

n't look so good." he says, and his honey-colored eyes fill with concern

m fine, I never thought I'd have to see Philip again but then again, I never thought I'd be back here in Seattle. I never wanted to come

and her do not get along at all. it got even worse after mom was killed; my aunt blamed me for it. saying that I should have told someone sooner, as if the thought hadn't already crossed my mind eighteen-thousand times, as if

th him and it's hard not to look away. I want to look away desperately, but I don't want him to fight me with this. Eventually having figured out that we are both not g

tory. To answer your question, no, I'm not fine. I thought I could put my emotions aside and deal with this the normal way. but all he had to say was two little words and I went running out the door barely able

e replied, "but he didn't hurt you while you were in there did,

oesn't need to know that. I learned how to defend myself after Philip tried to kill my mom the first time. Then when he did succeed the second tim

in my fighting stance he punched me in the gut, causing me to lose balance and I stum

a little while and when I woke up, I was blind. eventually my eyesight repaired itself and I'm able to see cle

ing to what I'm about to say so I take a deep breath and


r heading out the door. Heading to get scrubs and ge

who they are. I rush in to take over from the other surgeon whose name is Ava. She is one of the general surgeons, but she was getting called in to do something that needed to be done ASAP, so they called me

she was brought here. Unfortunately, it is going to be extra hard to do the surgery needed because she is so mauled, making me think of what you might see on "Untold Sto

t can you page Sam? I need plas

ging system, she pages Dr. Wells. "Dr. wells report to O.R. seven-forty. follow with Dr. Cox."

mage, but I can barely see from where it's so mauled, can you help with that?" i ask and he nods, and we work together on this poor gir

ulders, wondering if I made the right choice. wondering if she will make it through the night, with everything that played into pare. I head back to my office intending to get some reports filled out when I ge

e cup of coffee." he asks as he hands me one of the cups he's holding after I told him tea, I take it "sorry

h, I'm ok. I just had to go into surgery." I

has me laughing, then remembering the situation I'm in my mood sobers. "I had to make a hard decision. I'm not even sure my patient will make it through the night, even after the surgery. It's bad." I say staring absently at my computer, trying

ssion, I was the best thing in this world, I made a lot of dumb decisions often risking the condition of the patient. But aft

ould prefer not to talk about this patient like she is already lost." he nods and takes a d

eyes as they adjust to the lighting. "Sorry for waking you, I was on my way out and I noticed you were asleep, I ju

t time, my boss is going be mad." I say as I get up from my chair "you're fine, thank you

the view of the hospital vanished. Instead, I was pulled into what some would say as a daydream. This I'd call a vision, I'm suddenly in a stone room and there are no windows, just a light bulb hanging from the ceiling that provides the only light of the room. the steel door that

way for the figure that came in through the door. fear creeps its way into my chest, its icy tendrils clawing at m

it came. When the hospital wing came back into view I sagged against the door

tions like if I'm ok, but I'm not listening. My heart rate is hammering in my chest, and I can barely get any air. Hes in right in fro

what he's telling me to do, and I listen. I look into the clearest honey-colored eyes I have ever seen. "That's it just breathe," he says and suddenly breathing comes easier "there you go." as I stare into his e

even my boyfriend makes me feel as safe as I did look into his eyes. I mean, I have always suffered from panic attacks sense the first time witnessed my dad abusing my mom

ink about what could have caused it. I feel that famil

y, trying to make sure she makes it through the night. Thats where th

den, "where are my manners! I'm Caroline." I say nearly facepalming myself but Dr

go of my wrist he holds out a hand "Alex.

look on your face you're wondering the reason Phi

rp breath as I close my eyes. "Hey, it's ok, you're going to be fine. Just breathe. Tell me what's going on." Alex says and despite t

here I know that what's happening is a big deal, but I don't know why, and I place it as coincidence "C

hat you really didn't wake me up and I'm just dreaming

time." he says sitti

ished and in place was two figures. One in a chair tied up, the other st

I could see the figure in front of the chair, I was sucked out of the vision and was sagging aga

is not." I finish looking up at him, hoping I can trust him, not to

r to this vision?" he asks as he gets up heading to the open door, closing it he heads back over and sits down in front of me. I look up at him with p

her. He laughs so suddenly that my head

again and see how my eyebrows draw even closer together. "People from London have odd senses

s. only those immature enough doctors that o

are immature, and they are d

hould probably know. I don't trust easily, when it comes to myself. It

probably feel the same way." he says as h

es it?" my voice barely over a whisper as my heart rate picks

d here. I work here now." he says, and I want to die. I know my chee

ack to the original topic. no, there nothing even clos

onder why this happened all of

r my watch but realizing that I left it on the charger this morning, "creature of habit for sure." I

sk jokingly as I rub my eyes tiredly and I am tired. I am very sleepy.

nk we can establish that me falling on my tail end isn't going to hurt me much. "I'm fine, I just need

ur patient will be fine in the morning, I'll

ow is in there. I recommend getting another brain scan ordered to get more information and see if anything else needs done but that's just my opinion.

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