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Living among us(serial 1)

Living among us(serial 1)



Children in the town of Brooklyn have vanished without a trace, and neither the cause nor the why are known to anyone. The general consensus is that Brooklyn is home to a demon. Many Brooklyn residents began leaving out of fear. People began returning to Brooklyn after many years had passed with no reports of missing children, but they did not realize that the dreaded demon they all fear was still there.

Chapter 1 Demons King 1

Children in the town of Brooklyn have vanished without a trace, and neither the cause nor the why are known to anyone.

The general consensus is that Brooklyn is home to a demon.

Many Brooklyn residents began leaving out of fear. People began returning to Brooklyn after many years had passed with no reports of missing children, but they did not realize that the dreaded demon they all fear was still there.







Alex's POV

My mother screaming my name down the stairs startled me awake, and I felt incredibly weak as I stood up. I recall leaving the house last night to go out drinking with friends; my mother then said that we were all moving to Brooklyn as a result of her new work.

I got furious because I had to stay at home last night, and as I got up to use the restroom, I noticed my sister Jane waiting by the door.

Jane I yelled at her, "What are you doing in my room, go out! I don't want to see your face!"..

You are aware, Alex, that Mom's departure yesterday was rather impolite; be pleased for Mom that she has a job.

I give Jane a furious look after she says that.

I should be glad for my mother, but what about me? Will I just have to leave everything behind because she discovered a job in a cursed town?

Well, what do you know, you're just a little spoiled brat with no friends.

After using the word, I immediately regretted it. Jane fled down the stairs in tears, and I didn't even apologize. I tried making my bed, but as I turned to look, I noticed my mother entering my room, and before I could respond, she slapped my cheek.

How pitiful you speak to your sister Alex in that way; do you realize how difficult it is to raise you all without a father? I recently acquired a job, and you're upset about it.

Listen, Jane, we're all moving to Brooklyn regardless of what you do or say.

I feel agony when I touch the spot on my cheek where my mother had smacked me.

I spoke as my mother turned to leave as I looked up at her.

I always want you to tell me about my father so I may locate him and live with him, but you are just too greedy to do so. You never care about my happiness mom; it's always Jane who gets all the glory for nothing, and most of the time I wondered whether you were even my mom.

My mother turns to face me as soon as I say that.

have previously informed you, Alex, that your father no longer exists. Even after all these years, you continue to implore him to forsake you and keep you suffering alongside me.

Alex, you don't have a father.

My mum then turned around and left. What a way to wake someone up for the day, I sobbed as I crouched down.

I chose not to eat with them so I walked down to the door, to go close to a food store and ate there. However, as I was about to enter the store, my mother's voice stopped me. She had already finished eating breakfast and Jane was busily eating.

Do not forget that tomorrow is our last day here, and please arrive on time.

I just opened the door and started to leave without saying anything. I was sitting by the park when I noticed youngsters playing with their parents. I felt quite alone and wondered if I would ever experience this kind of life.

I don't know who my father is, and my mother claims that he abandoned me. Was it really my fault that he had to leave me?

I have no idea what he looks like.

After a long day, I arrived home at 7 p.m. and opened the door to see my mother and sister staring at me.

Where are you coming from, lady, at this hour?

I turned to face my mother and noticed that she was visibly angry.

perhaps she went to the home of her lover, Jane suggested.

I wanted to say something, but my mother got up and moved closer to me.

Tomorrow is our departure, therefore let this behavior never happen again.

I nodded as I walked away, laid down on my bed, and then, as soon as I closed my eyes, darkness overcame me.

I imagined myself standing in a dark area with a sword in my hands, an evil smile on my face, and blood all over my body and hands. The area around me was filled with dead bodies, but there was a man standing nearby, grinning as well. I had never met him before, but for some reason, I felt a connection in us, and he walked over to me and took my hands, saying..

Sister, I'm waiting for you to find me.

I got up feeling sweaty and noticed that it was 11:50 p.m. I became confused since I had been seeing this man in my dream; who is he, and why did he say that I was his little sister? I had never had a brother before, so it was a weird dream.

I went to sleep contemplating thinking how I would live in Brooklyn.


We arrived in Brooklyn, which was a nice town. As I was carrying my bag, someone suddenly struck me without saying sorry.

"Watch where you're going."I warned the man.

He approaches me, turning to me with a shocked expression and saying...

Can you see me? He continues to look at me.

I can, but why? I ask.

There was silence for a split second before he spoke...

How are you able to see me when you're not supposed to? This have never happened in century, for a human to see us.

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Living among us(serial 1)