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Ariana's Destiny

Ariana's Destiny

Author: Liberty~50

Chapter 1 Introduction

Word Count: 607    |    Released on: 02/09/2022


r Liberty

is inspired by my

a's De

ge me for it. As you read my story please make sure to leave some

es on and am sure you already know our female lead,

by commenting and

you a little

ived in a small Neighborhood with her

I say always? Josh moved into their neighborhood about two years

kept telling her that she never had one,

s she took after Her mom who was always doing what she

lived almost all her life taking care of her mother and her sister,

family in order to pay all her mother's Debts.

the day. she also worked in a small Cafe just within their neighborhood. Now that's where she got he

ather's and both their Dad's denied taking responsibility for the two girls cause Maggie slept around with different men. Chelsea was four years older than Ariana. When Ariana was 5years old, Maggie had huge responsibilities, she only

ebts they suggested that one of her daughters should work for them. Of course Chelsea refused to do that, So Magg

all her life. So working as a maid in the Williams Mansion was actually

estiny and her freedom, She took all kin

an introductio

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