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Chapter 2 The party

Word Count: 1870    |    Released on: 01/09/2022

g useless sometimes when all I could think of is just that one dream.

st taken a step closer to my dream, but even

nd will do me good?” I asked once I ente

owards me slowly, hi

r marriage proposal that you wo

he returned i

ten I think he hates me. We never got along s

e an enemy. Okay. I'm sorry that I barged in.

ed away with a shrug. “ You'll

married,” I said fo

to since you h

I stated, wondering where he

t me skeptic

get ma

ou would wan

hat says are you re

it hi

is all along

out when you saw the new ca

blunt, but his

me down like I am the famil

oom and tried Jenny's number again, bu

ay with a blissful feeling after I convinced my

reakfast, the sight of Ni

eave, but got stoppe

ou think yo

I don't feel

dishes waiting to be done from last

my eyes. I wasn’t sad because my dad told me to do the dish

esn't seem t

dad's words to heart. You can go

e? You know we no lo


whirled toward

o it, you know.” My

that begged to be clean again. I scanned the

me and looked up to see Aiden. I’m three years older t

here while you go h

y focus resumed

ng anything by tr

nything.” I said as I rinsed the

let me

ce in surprise. He didn

not fo



t women are supposed to do chores.

saw dad d

he's an

him at that momen

u? What have I done? I see, you're still siding with them even after they ba

ing the tap off while my angry eyes attacked him.

when they did something wrong? Y

sided w

do when they enrolled me

emy is not a

!” He fired, his gorg

you were just b

a baby about your upcoming nuptials and em

I have dreams. Dreams that will become m

also had a reason for

or trying to reject his school. I thought he was only being a brat. Even i

now you had a reason.”

e enough to inq


ing or try to observe for yourself. You just accept w

s. Truly, I never offended my parents. I obeyed every si

el and with the way he always pushes me away with his mea

nsupportive sister. He saw me as our paren

though I was hungry. It just dawned on

nails. My pride was too large for m

ew seconds after it came, the door opened to

ed you'll be hungry.” He said timidly and

nd dropped it on my dresser. “You

bad sister.” I apologiz

ou the way I did. I'm sorry to

the dresser, and helped myse

know what I wanted to do, but once the tip of the pencil ki

o sleep while I prayed for the night to come qu


zed hoodie top, while my feet found a home in a converse. I let my h

one in the living ro

are you


ten.” She instru

up to any misch

or the short trip

heir door. I rang the doorbell and within a m

and into her room. “

seat on her bed. “Who did

e seemed

t pre

ll me back

er, and she somewh

nted to sur

e me wit

sed to me th

saw you talking to him at

ago.” She blushed, locking inv

you.” I simpl

sh me in her arms. “ I can't wait for

I don't get to b


her deed last night. “When i

ls.” She replied


on my face and body, we got ready for her elder brother Joshua

er chimed, while her father only

o boys.” He said

fter crossing the terrace to the

busied herself with taking pictures. I looked out of the wi

when I felt her arms around my n

sistance. While I was physically present with Jenny and her numerous snaps, my

t to go home,” Josh s


e fun.” Then

had muffled music coming out of it. I bet the root of the ho

yet excited face before pushing the do

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