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My Mafia King

Chapter 3 Kidnapped

Word Count: 874    |    Released on: 04/09/2022

saw Isabel one of them just walked straight inside the room toward

but she's a very wonderful and caring person, what's your name?"

new to this school I guess you bot

utonomous University of Mexico I hope

ed down on by some of the students because she looked middle class but she didn't mind since her new roommate

e school hostel was a bit far so Eva insisted they go in Carla's car but Isabel insis


re places in the school I also wanted to firs

my parents, we were on the line then I started hearing footsteps from the bushes around the garden I began panicking and started runn

g profoundly and

we hearing different sounds from the

e two black-dressed men and they both surroun

ely try as hard as you can!" Isab

d started running but was blocked by two other men who caught her

ps me!" She started shouting but they immediately gagged her mouth and cov

nto the van and sto

ant from her?" Isabel's mom kept shouting at the other end of

go see my father immediately h



country. These forests are categorized by the type of tree and biome: tropical forests,

ch was also the safest route. He was driving at an incredibly fast speed as he moves close to a tree,

th Guatemala in the Montañas del Oriente region of the state. Although most of the jungle outside the reserve has been partially or destroyed and damage continues inside the reserve, the Lacandon is still the largest montane rainforest in North A

beasts, but they all seem to pay the car passing throu

forever, he stopped because every passing minute was

t giant mansion stood with high walls surrou

nows something abo

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