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Word Count: 2107    |    Released on: 05/09/2022

ed to the bride’s room to help her dress up and usher her out. Tomi and Jamie cam

y rushed to her room but was greeted by an empty room. “Is she taking her bath

. They quickly alerted her parents and the search party began, everyone

earching every possible place she m

. “She was still natural and happy until yesterday night when she went to sleep, could she have ran away to avoid getting married?” she questioned Fred who was just as confused as her. He

led and disturbed, he knew she disappeared because of how he acted yesterday out of anger and he stro

ip between them to anyone so they both didn’t talk

ion her affairs with you to her parents” he had strictly warned Dan who agreed just be

When we find her, we can then ask her why she disappeared” Larry consoled them

s the bundle of clothes she had taken with her during the escape. It wa

pened to my precious child? Has she been killed by an evil spirit? Where on earth is she?”. Larry was feeling extremel

mured with his palm clenched to his f

her a chance” was all he kept thinking about, he d

t eating him up. He also knew if he reveals what happened between them, it will soil her reputation so h


ndsome guy insisting that I am the lost princess even though I have been trying

oom came to add to the pressure as I str

yself but was quickly helped out wh

rt out and quickly

ands covering my mouth thanks to the immense shock I was experiencing. I didn’t know if I should address him as the

d it will return soon so we don’t have to worry for long. Even if you don’t regain your memory, nothing will c

bing every words coming out of him. His presence might be intimidating but he

nstead of trying to run away” Annie giggled and I rol

are already used to her so you know what her daily life is all about, don’t ever try anything funny with her because she lost her me

If I decide to stay, then I will have to live my life forever as the princess and that was not m

ks, “I shouldn’t have ran away from home, I should have just faced the shame” I cried to myself

t it on the table at the side of the room. I was still peeking under t

“When do you ever take off your clothes? You don’t like to get cold” he remarked coolly and

d to go with the flow, “I hate the fact that I get clothes easily so I hav

her silently but she o

didn’t eat anything except the pawpaw tod

table that might burst my stomach. I settled down at the table to dig

giggled, making everyone’s attention fall on me b

taining fish. I was still stuffing my face when the annoying handsome man w

you skipping it” he questioned

d without thinking twice until Annie scolded me,. “Please use your head Gwen! Think

te fish that I love with all my life? I was only re

in my throat and swallowing it without chewing because I couldn’t bear the taste. “Are you satisfied

orrow so please be prepared” he said to me and bowed. “What is..” bef

ude brat!” as I watched him leave but I was happy deep down, at l

ed a bit. I ignored it and continued the book search when it growled again, this time harder and louder. “You glu

managed to get there before I vomited every bits of the fish I ate. “You never do anythi

I just wanted to play along” I apolog

ng on the wall. She was my look alike! No wonder everyone kept insisting that I was the l

this coincidence?” I almost shouted but I shut

I am not the lost princess so I should just give it a rest and enjoy the rest of my

ie” I pouted but she was silent. The fish was taking a toll o

titled Rose and thorns. I began reading the book a

trying to enter the room. I rumbled on the bed as I struggled to stand up and check wh

e blurt with a scoff th

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