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Fearing The Mafia Don

Fearing The Mafia Don


Chapter 1 PART 1

Word Count: 1618    |    Released on: 05/09/2022

ssed in elegant dress's mingled about in the lobby of the hotel. An elegant-looking

eservation?" Kate asked politely. The woman took off her gla

, in which the woman addressed Kate decided to remain polite not wanting to risk her

an muttering about something then walked away without saying t

sh Nathon the cutest guy that worked at the Hotel he was

asked. Mia laughed " You just gotta be patient

ll single," he said causing her to smile. " Who said I'm still single" she

have anything planned for this Saturday why?" she asked but seeing

e?" He asked. " I would love to go with you," she said with a

at's ok with you," Nathon said sheepishly while rubbing the back or neck. She leaned ac

esperate to get home from the almost empty street, as the only bus stop was in

the street illuminated the light with a grey beam. She pulled o

back in her bag. She waited for about an hour and with no

f the businesses closed the streets were almost empty

owards her apartment she heard voices

riosity got the better of her so she crept silently as her heels

ake out the people talking just

ish accent. " I don't have right now but please give me so

e to pay your time is up," the smoker said taking a final drag from his cigarette

gasp as all around the men chuckled cruelly as the ma

his men. " Make it slow and painful," he said cruelly before he walked away as one man walked towards t

said before covering the man's head in a plastic bag muffing his scream

began scanning the darkness for the sound of sound. " What the fuck wa

r and murder her for witnessing them committing a murder. " Stop coming back here," the one that was the leader said but

olorful curses and threats were hurled her way but she d

if they were made of lead as she breathed heavily. " Oh my God what am I going to do I left

. The shops were closed, and not even the signs were lit up. Only a few street lamps offered a

e they find me," she said to her as sh

to keep warm from the bitingly cold wind that was blowing. Looking up into the sky

d her to look back behind her where a

run but before she could another Suv swung a

jackets stepped out of the cars, all of their heads were shaved an

man stepped out dressed in a grey suit stepped out holding

her intensely. Fear gripped her heart as she recognized his voice as one

sidering letting her go, but that's when she noticed how his eyes where trailing down her body, like he was evaluating her before he looked her once more in the eyes. " I'm afra

before he nods to one of his men. Before she could react one of his men grabs her and presses a chemical-laced cloth against her mo

reath she was forced to take. Instead of allowing her to fall the man that was

was surrounding her vision. The man pulled the cloth away then stood up a

ed you for, your going to be sold as a sex slave, see sweet dreams

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