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A Billionaire In Disguise

A Billionaire In Disguise

Author: Abisola

Chapter 1 1

Word Count: 2086    |    Released on: 07/09/2022

replied. She sighed as she shut her eyes, she was trying to relax and keep calm, but that's proving to be so difficult, she knows her father will do anything to have his way, and she can't let that happen, but what will she do, how will she escape from this, she doesn't want to get married, but her selfish father is being to stubborn, she'll have to find a way, she'll have to find a way to escape from this or else her whole life will be ruined for good. ******** The car finally pulled up at her house, then Audrey came down, she hurried inside and was on her way to her room when her mother stopped her. "Audrey." She called. "Yes mom." Audrey replied, turning to face her. "Where have you been my dear?, and what's wrong?, why do you look so sad?." Her mother said in concern as she walked up to her. "It's nothing mom, you don't have to worry about me, I'm fine." She assured. "No dear, do not forget, I'm your mother and I can see through your lies, tell me what's wrong, please, or i won't stop worrying about you." She said, Audrey sighed. "Fine mom, but can we please go to my room, we can talk about it there." "Sure dear." ★ "What!." Christina half yelled. "Yes mom, dad is at it again, i don't get it, why is he so selfish, i don't want to get married mom, I don't want to get married." Audrey cried, Christina sighed. "I'm so sorry dear, this is all my fault, as your mother, I should be able to fight for my daughter's right, but I'm just useless." Christina said sadly. "No mom, please don't say that, i know you've been doing everything possible to help me, you've been trying your best to change father's decision, but we both know he's being so stubborn, we both know the kind of man he is mom, he only cares about himself and his wealth, we don't matter to him, i don't matter to him, he treats me like an item, and thinks he can just sell me off to who ever he wants and whenever he wants to." "But no mother, i won't put up with father's maltreatment anymore, i won't put with this, i will never agree to his demands and i will be forced into a marriage that I don't want." "But what can we do my child?, what can we do?, your father has given his final decision and i don't think there's anything we can do to stop him or change his mind." Christine said, Audrey smiled. "No mother, there's only one way to stop this, there's only one way to prevent my life from being ruined forever." She said. "And what could that be." Christine said, Audrey sighed. She really don't know if she should tell this to her mother, and she also don't know if her mother will agree to her plans, but this is to only way she can think of. "Come on Audrey, speak to me, tell me." Christine urged. "Please mom, you'll have to agree to this, this is the only way." Audrey said worriedly. "Something tells me i might not like whatever you're trying to say." Christine said. "Please mom." Audrey pleaded. "Fine, go ahead and tell me." She sighed. "I'll have to leave home and go someone very far, far away from dad, somewhere he won't be able to find me." Audrey said, Christine jaw dropped in shock. "No, no Audrey, have you gone mad, don't even think of it, there's no way I'm letting you leave, i won't let you go, there's got to be another way, you can't leave Audrey, no!." She refused. "Please mom, please, this is the only way I can think of, this is the only way." "No Audrey, I won't let you leave, don't worry, I'll talk to your father, I'll plead with him to reconsider his decision, I'm sure he'll listen." Christine said. "No mom". Audrey yelled as she stood up in anger. "How many times will you keep doing this, we both know what his answer will

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