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The Misjudged Alpha

Chapter 9 I'm Kurah!

Word Count: 1106    |    Released on: 09/09/2022

ding in her path when she was ju

er as she realized she had no ill intentions

ger!" declared Minnie in a cheerful

girl announced with her hands stretc

thout saying absolutely nothing. She gave a non

wait to find out the identity of th

ake friends as she turned around to exit the court when she

to see Kurah being snubbed b

chool but seeing the person who just ignor

a witness to the team that brought her to the students' lodge,

f Minnie's arrival at the Gr

new very well that he couldn't stop her, laid the condition down that s

e just can't help thinking that the latter was treating her like his daughter. Mea

could possibly get, even if she's to go far away from

like she was a fool. She really needs a true friend a

hopes of having her as a friend. For someone who knows how fake people

there, but she doesn't care at the moment. What sh

p, her phone suddenly rang and she

ed her Bluetooth device to accept the call and says sarcasti

el the vibrations in his heart as something was stirring d

wit and says "it's good to know you are adapti

armless smile on her face, "how about recalling the sh

r patronizing tone, "I'm really grateful to you for keeping

ng she said could affect Ortiz in any way. She could only end the c

f her newfound friend as she zoome

orbike even though there was no logo, as she ha

hat she was never allo

hery court in her house. She will obviously rid herself of all the un

walked into the building and followed the signs

a smooth stay during the semester, Lolita was about to exit

her, only to find a student clad in a

de no effort to follow her, she pointed to her books and further explained "he's your assigned mento

information but requested the slender

mation, as she could already tell that the student before he

clad student offered her water and then left t

ar-old man was sitting with a woman of ab

red hair, as well as the dark sunglasses she had on, even in

ct with the red beauty, she hides away her

es to hide her identity behind the sunglas

hat her hair was coloured r

lies away with the sight of her normal eye co

id of a human with fiery red

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