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Billionaire's Lost Girl

Chapter 6 5

Word Count: 1126    |    Released on: 12/09/2022


ralds for eyes. If I wasn’t still thinking about the bastard I met at the club, maybe I would’ve been remotely interested.

ping open my Coke and taking a cautious sip. Cora had

The job interview

u said that your new boss se

that he was great when he was

lking now and glanced at us. I patted Co

t south. After the general interview with his board of directors, I was

ew where this was headed

ar what we were there for, and we’d already discussed everything that needed to be discussed in the general interview. But then he stood up from h


that I could have whatever position I wanted in his company. Promising me trips to Vegas and London – I’d written in my resume that tho

taste of little girls.” I shook

ice while throwing my papers at me. The bottom line that is, I’m

l be fine, dear. You could have raised

uld believe me if I told them that their boss was a pervert. Do you know who this guy is? He’s filthy rich an

d my glass with hers.

that I’ve gotten that off my

ly. “Don’t even get

at him to give him my number. Luckily, I got a nice hold of his socials, and when I called through the number on his personal Facebook account, I got his voicemail instead. Each time I tried to lea

been, thinking w

silent drift. “Let me guess, yo

chuckled. “Th

th it, and of all the guys you’ve hooked up with

ecause we’re meant to be together?

dly, face twisted in disgust. “He’s go

back there he’d seemed

t into a girl’s pants. It’s so painful to see you pining fo

w Y

t’s a fine lie. He couldn’t even te

pressing thought. “He told me

take you for? I mean, anyone with eyes can see that he l

has a reason for lying to me?


s so…” she trailed off, searching for the right word. “Thrilling if I’m being honest. I don’t think he’d want to kill you. You said yourself that yo

we clinked our glasses

swine. You’re more than beautiful eno

s making me salivate. “Yup. Screw McDonald’s Guy. I’m picking and dusting o

How about I beep the girls t

y head. “Heavenly,” I gestured to the food. “I

you have

her gaze. “We’re g

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