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The Girl Who Cried Wolf's

Chapter 3 Felt lost

Word Count: 976    |    Released on: 16/09/2022

a p

tethered to a wall. My heart felt like it was goi

ed like an animal, and I felt t

oyful and carefree I used to be,

way from this terror. I attempt to yell for he

eaming and crying and crying. I afterward regretted what I did because if I

hat my family would give me to

, looked up to see him approaching me, and at that mome

mble and beg h

me slightly, kneeling and g

enever he smiles, I'

ll, I began to move backward as I watc

egging me to kill him, the

iting for the realization of his master. I believe I wa

to face him but he was still grinning stupidly, so I deci

ng you. I was a fool, and I swear it w

silence. I initially believed he was going to slap me as he lifted his

." I'm surprised when I see him

standing right in front of me and was of

fraid, so I moved my face away, starting at the floor, o

e my wife. No matter what, a wife should always love and res

uld learn to love you, not

he continued to talk, and I could fe

words from you, Lisa. Declare that you won't le

tempting, I turn my face

to a wall and makes her endure pain. If you truly wa

always wil

term "beast," but I couldn't say so

Liam, who had previously

d lifts it, ensuring that I

s speak up and ruin everything; after all,

r to my face, and before I knew what was happening, his lip touched mine. I felt disg

is kiss, "I caught him gr

ugh, he turned t

wasn't too

fearful that h

door, but as he was about to open

however, if you continue to act like a spoilt brat, yo

locked the door from

obbed quietly and

loth to ensure that his f

illy, and my clothes were already dirty and s

nightmare when I wake up. However, the only difficu

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