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Dead Men's Money


Word Count: 2011    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

oked at each other as men might look who, taking a way unknown to them, come up against a bl

appears to have travelled from Peebles but yesterday. We might be hearing something of him at Peebles,

red by somebody, and the first way to get at the somebody is to find out who the murdered man is, and why he came into these parts. As for him," he c

o the Cornhill station, where, according to the half-ticket which had been found on him, the murdered man appeared to have come on the evening of his death. Meanwhile, Mu

with a name and address in Dundee on it, that you found on him, you might wire there a

ll the man," objected Chisholm. "We'll have to find a name for him before we ca

n't be held before tomorrow morning. Mr. Lindsey," he went on, "what are you going to do as regards this man that's lying dead upstairs? Mrs. Moneylaws says the doctor had been twice with him, and'll be ab

shook his he

ry within forty-eight hours! If this Gilverthwaite has folk of his own, they'll be here fast as crows hurry to a new-sown field! Let the news of it once out, and you'll wish that such

te into the house, and so getting mixed up with such awful things as murder. She should have had references with the man, she said, before taking him in, and so have known who she was dealing with. And nothing that either I or Maisie-who was still there, staying to be of help, Tom Dunlop having gone home to tell his father the great news-could say would drive out of her head the idea that Gilverthwaite, some

e papers?" I asked. "It's only that way that we can let his relatives know he's

police-folk either, my man!" she retorted, giving me and Maisie a sharp look. "I've eyes in

quick enough that she'd

ound some

back to us, carrying in one hand a man's collar and in the other Gilverthwaite's blue serge jacket. And

ere he bought them, there, too, he bought his ready-made suit of clothes-that was brand-new as well,-here's the name on a tab inside the c

way further afield, I'm thinking! But it's something to know as much as that, and you've no doubt hit on a cl

himself up with new clothes and linen? And had this mysterious man who had met such a terrible fate come also from some far-off part, to join him in whatever it was that had brough

cket-collector who remembered that same man arriving in Peebles two days before, and giving up a ticket from Glasgow. He had a reason for remembering him, for the man had asked him to recommend him to a good hotel, and had given him a two-shilling piece for his trouble. So far, then, we had plain sailing, and it continued plain and easy during the short time we stayed in Peebles. And it came t

we had heard all this and pulled the s

ess in Dundee asking if anything's known there of Mr. John Phillips. And we'll h

sholm sent him over the wire was plain and direct enough: Could he give the Berwick police any information a

d we may get nothing. And now that we do know that this man left here for Coldstre

e appeared to have just walked that way as if he were well acquainted with the place. But we got news of him at an inn just across the bridge. Such a man-a gentleman, the inn folk called him-had walked in there, asked for a glass of whisky, lingered for a few minutes while he drank it, and had gone out again. And from that point we lost all trace of him.

as brief and decisive enough. "Have no knowledge whatever of any person named John Phill

untry. As we hung about, waiting the coroner's arrival, a gentleman rode up on a fine bay horse-a good-looking elderly man, whose coming attracted much attention. He dismounted and came towards the inn door, and

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