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Chapter 6 No.6

Word Count: 3486    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

es were highly regarded." He was the accomplished servant, seeing and hearing only such things as his betters inte

urton left the room, he muttered low, but quite audibly, "My God!" Then, feeling Carl Brist

t had prompted that exclamation. Hamilton Burton had been de

adamant, but she had not done well to begin her new life by measuring lances with the autocratic Hamilton. Probably at the moment she was being reprimanded, perhaps rebu

s too much to expect that a woman could forget this, and the young secretary had the wish that it should be otherwise. So he sat rather moodily contemplating his plate and when he heard steps on the stairs

was to expect beauty, and he had expected it, yet now for the moment he found himself standing astonished, and as devoid as a raw schoolboy of his usually imperturbable po

French accent which years abroad had given her. Beauty is so variant of type, so often vaunted and so rarely found in true perfectness, that Carl Bristoll had accepted the newspaper reports of this girl's loveliness with a discounted credence. Now he was convinced. The quality of her coloring and expressio

embroidered thing from China and on her head was a crown of lace. Bristoll knew that its material name would be a boudoir cap, but on her head it became a crown-no, it was too filmy and ethereal for that: rather it was a sort of halo. Beneath it, and imprisoning pale fire in its amber softness, escaped a truant mass of

ld have spoiled her beauty, just as any other thing that destroyed symmetry of balance in form or color would have marred the effect. Yet, on t

ued-"since the so great impatience of my big brother compels me to meet you like this-all untidy and unprepared." She made a little gesture with both hands and her rippling laugh seemed to envelop the young secretary with a deep s

e eyes was no hint of remembered annoyance. As he drew back his sister's chair, one saw in his masterf

little selfish. The only time I can be sure of seeing you will be across the breakfast-tab

too! But it is for me to apologize. It is I who let the coffee grow cold. I have been spoiled abroad where people are very lazy.

e hardened philanderers abroad was happening to him, and the shield which he had always succeeded i

l, I shall be an hour late. Will you run down to

eet several of the directors of the Inter-Oce

d Burton placidly. "I'm

penitence, "and it is I who am causing Monsieu

anner abruptly changed. She stood by the broad desk, resting her slender fingers lightly on the mahogany top, and turned to her br

come and go under orders? So, I rise when h

as able to buy such gifts. Of the twenty millions of families in America, nineteen million would have regarded their cost as a large fortune upon whose income they could live at ease while life lasted. But Hamilton Burton had been even prouder that on his sister's throat their beauty would after all be the secondary bea

istress and success his passion. His egotism, centering on no deep love of his own and

The sun fell upon a face very attractive and winning, and a figure very strong and grace

ought from the way you spoke in there that you realized it was yo

de higher and the long lashes dropped a little over the vi

ect your impression. Carl is my closest friend. A man who happens to

-a nice boy? Yet I should hardly have discussed in his presence such matters as we have now t

im with a half-challenge in her eyes,

or you. If I'd failed it would have been my first failure. The beauty I didn't give you. God had already done that, but everything that can enhance beauty, I did give you-education, culture, social standing of the highest. You have come back home with every exquisite accomplishment that a woman can have. I'm willing to admit that from my point of view you've b

as my own and that I was to be mistress here. That, you pointed out in your lett

u have expected to upset the entire sc

d drumming lightly with he

her's house, but Mistress

aving the magician's wand for the pleasure of his family, but never had any other member forgotten for an instant the obedience they owed to his paramount genius. Men

ou. It was I who brought this family out of obscurity and drudgery. But for me you would now be mending some lumberjack's socks and washing his dishes and living in the gray monotony of unvaried days. There has been only one productive member in

"the many favors that your hand of self-made royalty has conferred upon your suppliant family." Her musical voice took on a deeper thrill. "You have reminded me that my f

nterrupted Hamilton hotly, but she halte

aul, is a genius in music-and a weakling-but, as you say, each of them is without power. Each of them is a parasite and you are the oak upon which they grow and bloom. But as for me-" She stopped and laughed, and suddenly Hamilton

ins crept some of that fire? Alors! Whether that be true or no, this I do of a certainty believe. The spirit of fight that is in you, is likewise in me. You will not find in me the jeune fille who shall obey without knowing why. My feet are small-for which I thank le bon Dieu-but I can stand quite s

before been successfully defied gazed into her face with an expression of

with almost courtly cer

wo souls. Great heavens, girl, since I came here to fight and to win, I've been lonely. It's not egotism but truth that makes me say this. I have been a conqueror-and all con

e you going to do me the honor

nely gracious as a queen's may afford to be when

h perfect mimicry of his own overbearing voice, "It's a trifle whether I breakfast i

was so frank and winning for his friends, stood before his sister, watching her eyes as eag

t. When I give presents to a woman, it will be to you. There is no other woman in New York who could wear that rope of pearls and not look as if the pear

er eyes kindled and her lips parted in delight, and a

laimed and as she gazed at their well-matc

uy the souls of many women, mon cher. If you insist

mplete would be her participation in that reign. So far as they had fought, each had won a victory and he had paid a handsome indemnity-in future how would it be? Then he

rs while her eyes twinkled with merriment, "they tell me that yo

, "you will always find it as ligh

ial authority. His tone was very pleasant and unassuming. "May I make

t of all that we are unalloyed American in blood. Be American. Cut out the

. I have no wish to appear affected. It seemed natural. The habit

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