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Chapter 2 Jackson released me..

Word Count: 1457    |    Released on: 21/09/2022

ll to my knees. Damn it! As I sat there trying to recover, I scanned the area for the fastest way out. That’s when I s

our business,” Jac

r Jackson was planning answered. “You’re fu

with one hand, and used the other to lay Paul completely out. He moved so quickly, I wondered if my eyesight was jacked up because I c

retched out his hand and stopped him

“Her stupid ass isn’t wor

get out of here while you

when I watched his eyes flash s

car, when the tall, dark-haired stranger caught Jackson by the collar of hi

nge fearful glances. They quickly reached for Paul who

just happened

” Jackson ordered the t

ven as they hurled themselve

te picked up. Now, I was


icing that I was backed e

to adrenaline helping to save your lif

y hand. “Don’t come a

o, you’re not,” he said. “It’s dark, and you a

I lied, debating how trustwor

d. “Sure

n unexplainable energy wash over me. I

” I said as I t

ct. The guy caught my hand and waist befor

his eyes met mine, I could see the electric blue in them, magnified aga

my entire body suddenly felt drawn to him. He rubbed his thumb over the back of my hand, studying it. I was about to jerk away, but unexpectedly, I felt a connect


ough everything in my body told me to

ehead, trying to sort out my thoughts, “I just need

email, but I knew she wouldn’t answer a number she didn’t know, especially this late.

e that did weird things to me again. “My

presence the longer I was with him. “And thanks

ped off to and laughed, “It was nothing. I’m sorry yo

be f

uble tonight if I hadn’t shown up wh

y quieted my frazzled nerves? I should not be feeling this comfortable after what ha

gaze away from the god-like man standing in front of me. I oddly felt

if my friend doesn’t call back in a few more

I can easily t

, and instead eyed his massive motorcycle. “I’d ra

spine, prompting me to close my

ked curious as he watched me. It made me wonder if he’d felt the same magnetic d

n,” he sof

his phone, “If my friend calls back just le

alking home this late a

l that far.

houses. The further I got away from him, the more my nerves started to take over ag

d that. The last thing I needed after Jackson and his dick friends tried to have their w

he silent street welcomed me and my exhau

the guy who saved me. For the hundredth time, mom was face down on the kitchen floor. She had puked into the sink, a

eling for her weak pulse. I rested her head on my lap

ed the cordless phone that Mom refused to get rid of from its charging station. I dialed 911, a

xpression on his face. It wasn’t good. Did I lose her? I felt the tears sting in

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