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Chapter 4 Dinner

Word Count: 5666    |    Released on: 22/09/2022

of his bed. I wince as the wine in her glass nearly spills ov

ke?" She suddenly asks

ld be appropriate for me to speak about it. King's servants are to be invisible, not learning about or hearing anything that

tate before speaking. "I'm

y dissatisfied w

apartment, clearly you know some

ng my gaze from her face, I watch her feet as she nears. My heartbeat quickens the closer she

to my face. A sharp nail makes contact with my forehead, and slowly dra

her nail easily slicing open my s

he continues. "W

nues to run her nail across my neck, applying more pressure the longer I take to respond. I n

urt out, remembering the dishes

ng the wine stain in his b

m my skin. I watch out of the corner of

e commands, pushing t

ng in my chest, and my hands shake as I pour more wine into her glass. The blood feels wet and stic

back into the safety of the kitchen. I spot my reflection in the microwave, and am glad to see that the cut on my face and neck isn't too bad. The line

bringing it to my wound. Holding back a hiss as it comes in contact w

ing entering the room. Fearful that I'm going to be punished for speaking about him and letting this

. His eyes begin to flicker, and my heart rate picks up at the knowledge that his inner Beast is fighting for contro

oman casually laying on his bed. She shoots him a large

We haven't spent any time together while I've been here, and I th

stay completely still, frightened to see how this will turn out. Will

nd his eyes continue to flicker as he watches me. Tears began to well in mine as I came to realise tha

back the tears that leave my eyes. I let them fall to the groun

." I hear the K

jerks his head towards the door, and I don't hesitate to

I can, wanting to be long gone before he changes his mind. John is alread

I bury my face in his chest, unable to

everything's okay." He whispers, l

y emotions in check after being so

to quiet down for me, okay? Let's go downs

ect yet behind it lies so much fear. I've been staring

he King wanted me dead then it would have happened by now, and that everything will blow over if I just keep m

't have to see him. He's gone most of the time an

particularly f

l tell the King of my odd behaviour, but even that knowledge isn't enough to get me to open the door any quic

ct that the Beasts often go out and run at

ly. My head snaps to the left just as the woman from yesterday comes around the corner, guards on either side of her holding her

r or the King, I decide to pick the lesser of two evils and turn once more to the door. The handle feels smooth i

on the other hand, is a complete mess. It looks as if a tornado ripped through here. Broke

about t

n the hallway that leads to the office. His hands a

better determine his mood. He continues to stare at me, but does not move. His

eck, squints, and

getting infect

gets a bit deep on my neck, and stings as I poke it. I fli

where I am, unsure of what to do. Should I just pretend like yesterday didn't h

loset next to the kitchen to grab a broom and dustpan. It'll be best to start with the broken

at him, and he motions to th

cautiously do as he says. I sit on the very edge of the seat, w

nd, showing me the fi

st going to clean your cut, oka

pping around the broken glass and stopping once his feet are only inches from mine. He sets the ki

xpected to clean up scrapes with body soap and paper towels. It's not the mos

ast night. She and her mother are leaving today, so you shou

attern. The King sighs, and I feel his

ldn't tell you the last time somebody touched my skin, and it admittedly feels pretty nice. Sometime

ave either killed or had me killed by now. And given the King's kind attitude tow

aving a one-sided conversation." His hands pause for a moment on t

t cloth to my neck. Immediately my skin is on fire

squeezing gently to hold my head in place. I look up

lip in concentration. I try to jerk away once more, causing h

murmur, continuing to

pity in them. "I know, but I'm almost done. Who

ght, and had felt that I did a pretty adequate job too. He continues r

the cloth away as he rel

was it?" He questi

d, and I watch as he sets the cloth down and reaches back into the first a

nt probably to apply it to my cut, but

d all that." I say, sc

k and his finger, before unde

on't hurt."

I'm also not great at being able t

iving him better access to my neck. I tense up as he brings my hand to my throat, relieved to discover that he wa

are furrowed in concentration and eyes focused on my wound. Up this close, I

t's their inner beast watching through their eyes. It's probably just fol

fore focusing once again on my neck. He grabs a large band

ver been so ki

eard of a Beast, let alone a King,

much truth is in them. All the talk about him being a crazed, evil monster

er week?" He asks casually,

widening in surpri

k you for giving it to me." I answer t

himself. "I enjoy cooking. I will make y

uates his work, nodding in appr

ant me to make

, and to be honest I don't really know what I like. There are hundreds of di

ed to try meat."

oix nods

rough with cooking me some food. I won't be surprised i

ed up today. If it gets late, feel free to leave and finish up tomor

of things before leaving. The door slams shut behind him, and I stay put

prised by the lack of pain I feel. With a sigh

of times while trying to pick the pieces out of the rug. The rest of the

e King being genuine when he said I don't have to finish it all up today? He see

mpleted though, and it's already so late that by the time

leaning supplies and left the suite, not so fri

hens tonight?" Emma begs, giving me

while, and all the servants are stressing out about it. I heard that they are Roya

stle is pristine. I spent all day yesterday cleaning up the room that

'm going to say yes. "Do

e for dinner and we need all the help we can get to make sure everything goes sm

is place pretty neat, making my job easy and giving me back a lot of extra time

uickly as I can today and c

wince as the movement causes the healing cut on my neck

e you one." Emma says, a

John chatting up some girls outside the women's bedroom, and wave my hand to grab his attentio

say, shoving my hands

t else to say, I pull my hands out of my pockets, clap them together,

g pity on my awkwardness, and begin

and things have been a bit awkward between us since then. Neither of us is really sure what t

my excitement at finally getting a time and

dinner, so we won't be able to walk back down together."

me know." John responds, giving m

tension between us fade. John's a good friend, an

both of us keeping a watchful e

the last couple of days, and I'm pleased to see that they are pretty

quickly and rush down to the kitchens in record time. I

de cutting some vegetables,

lp." I say as I approach,

die- thank god you're here. One of our servers is

usness coming over me. That's n

- I don't know how to serve." I admit, hopi

y side though as Emma begins

the side holding the bottle and refill glasses as they get low." She s

direction and head into the dining room, ca

is face. The seat to his left is empty, and on his right sits the Second.

g the wall. Other servants line up against it as well

ade home." The man I don't recognize say

see his reaction. He looks slight

calmly replies, bringing his gla

outh. The woman next to him clears her throat, drawing the attention to her. She doesn't

ur proposals?" She finally as

The room is filled with unease as everybody waits for h

und the terms to be disagreeable. Your price

already have more staff than we need. I can

ws out obscenities at the King. King Heloix seems to be holdi

by other Beasts he stands out. His sizable frame is quite threatening, ev

y eyes drawn down to his throat as the thick mus

ll quite prominent. My mind, of its own volition, thinks back to the times that he has changed in front

der my hands, but I quickly move on from that thou

e that he's watching me, eyebrow raised in amusement. He holds an empty wine glass in his hand and subtly gestures for me

to fill up the King's cup. He holds out the glass for me as I approach. My hand visib

whole time, watching my every mov

of the others at the table. The guest's glasses are both

ghly tugging me towards him. He shifts his grip to my fac

e floor. The liquid splashes over the rim at my abrupt movements, coating my dress and shoes.

this one's worth?" He snarls, squeezing my face with

The Second looks merely annoyed, mouth turning down at the corners, but th

go." The King says, his v

King Heloix's words, but quickly chan

h I'll sell you my humans for." He pauses for a moment, rubbing his rough thumb ac

nd notices the change and jumps quickly into action. Standing, he puts

mend you release the girl." The Second

urry backward until my back meets the wall. I bring my hand up to my jaw, gen

f he sets a low price then the oth

it takes everything in me not

ard was never this temperamental, always able to control his inner Bea

free of charge." The King says

sues with that you are free to declare war. I don't recommend that though, we bo

o mine, before returning his gaz

ng away from the table towards me. He grabs

s running through my mind. His guests begin arguing with the Second an

, his pace so fast I need to jog to keep up. He pushe

f as the King crushes his body to m

He breathes deeply, taking in my scent as his wild curls ti

nd my waist loosens and his hand moves to my head. He grabs a handfu


ack to normal as he quickly compo

ving in the kitchens?" He asks, h

expected him to be angry with me. "I- uh, I

he can from me in the small space. He runs his hand

u a fucking kitchen wench. Next time do the damn job you're

f. King Heloix doesn't wait around to hear what I have to say anyways though,

. Everybody pore in my body is filled with confusion, and shock, at the ten different moods h

m the direction the King just left, and I straig

rs in the doorway. He looks me up and down wi


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