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Divers Women

Divers Women



Word Count: 2669    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

the presence of wealth and taste. Even the vases that adorned the marble-topped flower-stands on either side of the pulpit wore a foreign air, and in design and workmanship were uni

e she was often fatigued, for she frequently danced late of a Saturday night. And occasionally the grand tenor was disabled from appearing at all for morning service by reason of the remarkably late hour and unusual dissipation of the night before. But then

to its melody as they made their way to their respective pews, the heavy carpeting giving back no sound of footfall, and the carefully prepared inner doors push

ing. Even the text had a harsh sound, almost startling to ears which had been lift

ner sanctuary of home-the dressing-room and the kitchen-startling the ear with that strange-sounding sentence: "Take heed what ye do." According to him religion was not a thing of music, and flowers, and soft carpets, and stained lights, and sentiment. It had to do with other days than Sunday, with other hours than those spent in softly cushioned pews. It meant doing, and it meant taking heed to each little turn and word and even thought, remembering always that the fear of the Lord was the thing to be dreaded. What a solemn matter that made of life! Who wanted to be so trammelled! It would be fearful. As for the minister, he presented every word of his sermon as though he

less cultured than the rest snapped his watch-case in the very face of the speaker, by accident, let us hope. A party of young men, who sat under the gallery, exchanged notes about the doings of the week, and even passed a few slips of paper to the young ladies from the seminary, who sat in front of them. The paper contained nothing more formidable than a few refreshments in the shape of caramels with which to beguile the tedious-ness of the hour. There was a less cultured party of young men and women who unceremoniously whispered at intervals through the entire service, and some of the whispers were so funny that occasionally a head went down and the seat shook, as the amused party endeavoured, or professed to endeavour, to subdue untimely laughter. I presume we have all seen those persons who deem it a mark of vivacity, or special brilliancy, to be unable to control their risibles in certain places. It is curious how often the seeming attempt is, in a glaring way,

f the rest of the charge, "whether men will hear or whether they will forbear." He could not help a half-drawn breath of thanksgivi

ly by those aforesaid earnest eyes that never turned their gaze from his face, nor let their owners' attention flag for an instant. Then followed the solemn hymn, than which there is surely no more solemn one in the English la

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that twenty-thousand-dollar organ. What did the organist select to follow that sermon, that hymn, that benediction? Well, what was it? Is it possible that that familiar strain was the old song, "Comin' Through the Rye"? No, it changes; that is the ring of "Money Musk." Anon there is a touch-just a dash, rather-of "Home, Sweet Home," and then a bewilderment of sounds, wonderfully rem

trip out. Half-way down the aisle Mrs. Dento

s week. I want you to come in socially on Tuesday evening; just a few friends; an informal

wo ladies a group have h

nny to-day?

ndependent and untrustworthy! I told Fanny to wear her old hat and never mind, but she wouldn't. Estelle and Arthur have gone off to the Cathedral this morning. Absurd,

attracted to our church," the elder lady says, and she says it with a si

The gardens will be in all their glory. Tell the girls she thinks they better settle on Wednesday as the day least likely to have engagements. The

th inefficient help. I wouldn't have come to church at all to-day but the weather was so lovely, and we have so few d

rs Miss Lily Harrison m

ahead of that, I know; irreverent fellow!-Lorena, what a perfect match your silk is! Where did you succeed so well? I was dying to see that dress! I told mamma if it were not for the first sight of that dress, and of L

he said "Jim." And be it noticed that he makes the f

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" murmurs Lorena "How can

so expressive. I say, you sheep in this fold took it pretty h

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s to the fair Lorena to

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races. I hear you had a stunning-I beg your pardon-a perfe

tic grasp of the left hand, and sailed down town on either side of "Ji

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her? Is it not strange that sh

aking his old acquaintance, Mr. Dunlap, hea

hose gray-headed men, standing in the sanctuary, with

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By the way, Dunlap, have you sold that horse yet? If not, you better make up your m

spective merits and demerits, and the p

r of the Lord be upon you." Had th

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