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A Deal Is A Deal.

Chapter 5 USA here I come

Word Count: 1037    |    Released on: 24/09/2022

ave to, I can't let my emotions get the better of me. I pack my clothes inside a suitcase, I

and put it inside the car while I enter sitting next

and gave it a gentle squeeze to assure her that

om hugged me tight. "Let's get i

desk who scrutinize it then me, then his computer before telling me to go, I pass thro

a good girl, listen to your boss and work

mise to be good." The plane was announced and I woke u

number, "great I got a window seat, h

ything that needs to be done, I follow her closely just to be safe. Th

ng matters. After fourteen whole long hours or so, the plane finally announced

t to the checkpoint and gave it, I

be able to call my family. I asked for directions until I was able

dress of the lady I'll be working for. I flack a cap and got in after showing the driver th

was covered in nothing but grass. I pay the driver and took my bag. I look

ing but there was nothing "how could this be? Did she write down the wrong address?" I took out my

the same thing. "Oh no, did she no no" I shook my head "how could she? Aunt

." I carry my bag, walking around endlessly, d

I walk to the bench which was at the park and sat down. I look at the busy

have to manage it because it is the only thing I have. I went to a n

rvive on that for now while I plan my life. I tried calling aunt

rt attack, she sold her farm land and even the jewelry dad gave her just so sh

till didn't move from my seat. My eyelid felt really heavy,

und of someone hitting something next to me . "ma'am you ca

ase just today." The guard didn't bodge. I sigh stood

I ran using my hand to shield myself but it was not enough to hide me from the rain. I

e to suffer such injustice now." I muttered to myself. I slep

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