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Assassin In Disguise

Chapter 2 The three Clown

Word Count: 1062    |    Released on: 28/09/2022

ently studying at University of Student's institute or USI. Yes, sad to say they are the only school who accept student like me because I

the school with my famous beautiful doll in my hand when suddenly I didn't saw someone bloc

hat's me while my tears starting to fall apart. I cried loudly to get

ll buy you a lot of candy later okay". the girl imme

that candy is not enough to cons

did you do this huhu my beautiful doll is

ou doing are you bullying her ?..." the

and my doll too got hurt huhuhuhu

a bit we-we didn't bully her y

". I stamp my feet like a child and tr

chocolate what tell me?''. The principal don't really know wha

i". I laugh at the thought of the ugly girl who block my way kissing t

t, but hell no I will never do that stupid thing never!" one of

eady saw the commotion. Its early in the morning and the class did not start yet that's why there's a lot of student outs

don't cry anymore, huh! oh my god this

grant my request so that the issue wouldn't

let's do what her request, and everyone the class are about to start what are you sti

w will not be much more exciting w

he ". with matching clap,clap in my hands. I don't

-clown protist and show their tantrum but because I insist the principal really can

unate first day of thos

missing with a special c

ld. It's disgusting having a cl

und of the school because I want to play my show of course on the pla

th matching jump jump and clap clap of

much hurt if you crash and lan

guys". the

she's doing right now she really can't

et them run one by one, of course i want them

ortunate there first day of school is. Huh that's what you got tr

kiss the rocky road harder as it could be that cause her face to bleed so much. as i watch the blood running down her face it feels like I want to see more but for now I am a litt

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