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Forbidden Love..

Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 1149    |    Released on: 08/10/2022


re? And that little girl looks famili

to remember her in the first place. But n

d enough to be

me. A perfect maiden. But she dresses like a mature wom

a am

dorable. In

to her boobs. Awesome b

usly te

neckline helps a lot. I notice the color. Normally I don't. But this dress

e playing

drag Colten away from that girl and then pu

k last summer!" He tries not to growl out loud.

issed off. While

sister. If I screw her tonight and dump her th

poor my memory is." Colten's sister turns ar

to be

ful? I don't think so. I

e this. He's a great brother, though. Sure. This whole thi

st summer? Why did you nev

"She's my sister. Get those di

"Most importantly,

ly thinks I'm going to hook up with her. Now that I know that girl's his sister, I won'

hool girl. That feels odd. I'm too grown-up for that. I

ster is no longer here. No man is wat


before I run ou

I say. He asks me to grab some sherry if ther

o this party but the girl called Nola never notices him. He's

d back in my family. I don't want to even care about which man my mo

I'm prete

because I want to. I

my mother because she's busy sleeping around. I hate to admi

just h

ey divorced. Some people shouldn't get a child if they don't want it. What's

ever existing here, unl

l I can do instead is drown mysel

flirt back. They ask if you want me tonight and then you say you want. They take off

quor to make it up.

omeone calls me. "Lewis, you came! Why didn't

p. We had sex last week. Clearly, she wants one more night. And

t is emb

artificial eyelashes remind me of my mom's. A flash of sickness soars

over. Do you girls know him?" Then I lean down a little towards


behind the thick bush near us. It's like ... a girl's screech

o the house like a startled deer. But I can only see her from behind. Can't see

urges me to

on't want to waste one more second here. "Anyway, I need

. I ask a boy leaning against the window and he says a girl did r

ack. It must be where she's hiding. I rush over and pu


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