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My Sex Slave Is A Billionaire

Chapter 3 Hurt him

Word Count: 968    |    Released on: 30/09/2022


ed it. The last thing I remembered was eating lunch with Raymond but now I was on a bed. I woke up to see b

e and I felt glad for that. My plans worked accordingly and right now, I was in the space of my all-time adversary. A gentl

s beyond good last night that I lost track of the number of orgasms I had. He took me to height

though I could barely walk, I wouldn’t think twi

ritone reverberated against my

whimpered, using the

I feel s

and I thought you would feel more refreshed if you have a bath and eat.

a long time? I hastily kicked the sheets away from my body and hur

mond asked me the second I

I answered and slumm

sked with concern laced in his voice but I

snickered and Raymond showed me his puppy face whic

somewhere to be?” I sh

have somewhere I want y

to wear me

odness, I couldn't I was going on a daily du

e to skirt through. Maybe I would dive off to plan B or make

hips started to gently move, and I felt him getting har

body was getting on my nerves, causing the fury in me to rise.

argaret ?” he asked, his eyes s

g to escape his clutch, but he didn’t budge. His eyes were cold a

said through clenched teet

and your plans. But if you think going on top of my d

onger, finally draping his arm around my waist

above him, falling back down onto his hard cock. What he had said start

yes stayed closed, but he started to clench and unclench his jaw. Steadily,

I only knew one way to do that. I pushed myself up, and when he felt what I was doing,

it, gathering some of the sticky cum, and licked it off my finger

,” I said, li

to t

te, so I’m going to have to

Raymond did as he was told, crossing his arms beh

” he asked me in a tone m

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