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Love in Contest

Chapter 4 Contest II (la Bohemia Sing!

Word Count: 3672    |    Released on: 04/10/2022

osk shop, the two girls watched from ins

ks forwar

ou are still interested..." Susan s

asped, ran forward a

creep to an alley and change into casual dress of Jean trouser, vest and buttoned t-shirt. She walks to Erika's home, Erika was the one who got the door. They hugged then went into the house shutting the door behind them That morning, they rode to the centered location. They were so many people around, those coming in and going. As soon

ot of work!“ Erik

We can sure do something

ah” Bruno

rm sighing sadly, “oh

orm before they

ays l

Then entered madam Belien a

usan as she went about entertaining the guest. Lena

ika quietly before givin

Erika.“ Her voice sp

fore?“ Erika aske

dding. You sang

a bl

the room with tray of

n said said as she stood up to receive

ing to work it us.“ S

n't told us what your organization stand for

build young artist into the system of music industry. Although my group is small and developing but we aim to grow with you E

a Bohemia sing cont

es. It's one of the reasons I got in

ted the form?“ A


rocess we have to follow to get us qua

clothes, shoes, a photographer, music studio, license and likes. But you don'

?“ Mother

ng lottery and we take seventy percentage. That's a win win for the both of us. And you gain more, considering out of the seventy percentage, forty percentage covers the expenses we cov

p, if you will allow us

Erika's father is not available. I would like it if he's here to be part of th

smile exchanging glances with

ging Lena tight mutterin

ing her hand for a busines

y go over it with your husband and see if there's anything you don

said brightly. She look side exch

and their subordinate out whi

loser to your dreams.“ Lena

“What's your dream? If I remember, y

t out. But I'm glad you found yours. I pushed you

the time.“ Erika sniffles her laug

w house. A hand knocks on the door several times, the door opens the view of sleepy Erika who g

he asked with a co

s heavily in beats

house was full. Mother Susan and Sir Bruno stood and watched in awe. Unfortunately Sir Bruno has to leave for work. Mother Susan made some delay to stay behind a bit.

already placed a pretty dress laid on the bed with a matching hair band. The lad

en appeared before the lady in her wrapped towel. “Wear on something let's go have a new hairdo.“ Said th

ncement. “Before we begin today's event, I would like to introduce you to my crew which are now pa

yly. Mother Susan made sure to extend

k to work.“ Belen

n I speak to y

he went with Belen to th

scissors and other equipments. Roberts came in a foot bowl to perform pedicure. He seats on a lower stool and begin his service. Bobby came with his manicure tools and began work

She realizes her mother covered in blanket looking all pale and sick. She was running tempe

. She brought out the choping board and begin with the spinach, followed by the lettuce, the red chilli, green pepper, lastly scent leave. She took out a plastic bowel and began slicing the tomatoes. When she was done, she took out another bowl and sliced the onion in round balls then rinsed the peas in another b

filled the glass jar of water, a small cup, and spoon. She have

t, Lena went out of the room with the tray and shortly return with a big plastic bowel filled with water and a hand towel. She knees on the floor, dipping the towel in

stroke Lena's hair softly, brushed a kiss on her and slowly got out from bed. She shook the dizzy effects she felt and took the bowl to the bathroom and emptied it. Rinsed the towel and have it spread out to the late evening sun. She felt thirsty and needed a dr

nd realized her mother was up. Her ears caught faint sounds

ied her to bed with a little difficulty. It's been a long ti

ve missed y

d on her side and clutch to Becca, hugging her lower body. Becca swallowed hard as she grasped Lena to her. She

Square your shoulders a bit to the le

ds Erika grinning “ Look at you. You're getting all good at this. Let's make a hit alright?“ She said givin

hop today because o

ver the big baby over here.“

ople seems ni


rent outfit and hairstyle. Over a hundreds of photos wer

palm, given to her by Belen. It contains all the schedule for Erika from now until the end of the

he got when she rode through the street of her town and saw a big banner having her photo on it. With a bol

gates. Erika rolled to her side in excitement. In order to gain more publicity and influence, madam Belen encourage her to go sing in church. And some occasion, pick a location on the streets where lot of feet's are moving to sing

e be featured on his broadcast by 4:30pm. All thanks to madam Belen who made it possible. This increased Erika's popularity in less than th

cared because madam Belen, Kelly and Newton were there with her. She wear on the ear phone and position herself to sing, the rest of them came out as Martinez sitting over the equi

favorite song

am a w

re th

am th

e fire..th

It was like she was born to do this. Barely fifteen o


ne to deserve


ne to deserve


what you so

rocking chair, clutched his radio close to his hears intrigued by her voice. Many others probably felt the same purge out of their soul a strong

jah… hal

ne to deserve

hh… o

ne to deserve

n what you s

allelujah… ame

ght has left off her chest. And suddenly she can see her future, it was so bright that she could

Belen escorted Erika to the center. Lena g


te.“ The secretary lady on brown suit sp

nly remarked, “

ems. We don't require people who just wake up one morning from day dreams and think they can co

t my daughter's dream?

to the secretary lady. “Is the manager

. “Unfortunately, he just

ontact then.“ Ma

o do so.“ The secretary said and

fear, her eyes

Let me make some few calls hopefully, all I ne

n crying. “Mother you just heard. She said I'm not

say that. It's okay my girl.

rs, Lena rises and walks her to find the restro

nging and no calls picked or returned. She let out a frustrated groan she's been holding. Her eyes red in vain, their only o

y statue came down walking into the building. Instant

ing to bring up the issue but he didn't seemed interested and didn't stop to wait. Until madam Belen made mention of “t

y the national fai

d a little problem at t

w interest in the conversation. That same

nts. The man didn't waste mor

is the national fai

ith one another. “She's defini

broke into a warm grin

voice, so spell enchanting that I felt I needed Christ again. I felt the grieve I'

le considering your age but

and let us off the hook. Our fairy voice lack music background, training or w

file directly to the board myself. I

od bless you.“ Lena dissolved into the embrace. Erika was so happy

d celebration in their various houses since they was no open party held in celebration to the news. However Bruno held a small par

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