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Chapter 1 MET HIM

Word Count: 2126    |    Released on: 05/10/2022

looking at everyone passing suspiciously. She was wearing a short gown, and this gown was

hair and which was brown in colour. Her skin was glowing, means that she was not from a poor family but a rich and flamb

ced her or did as if they saw her at all, despite all stupi

her. She too didn't expect all of them to see her because she was

down on the chair at the front of a big mall. Sh

o. He or she can be the one that will help you, and let you get back into your body' Ar

looking for someone or TRUE LOVE from someone for the past

ment, go out and you can be lucky' Aria brea

eturn back to my friend and I will continue with

the mall. She just walked a little far from the mall and to a restaurant beside

a said to herself and took the second wrapper. The little boy didn't see her but he

another one for you now" the little boy

" the guy pet the little boy and quickly walked to the man that was

om the guy. The guy just smiled and quickly left the place. He ran to Aria, she wa

at to that little boy" the young guy said wi

that little boy, a little boy

in his hand that he is eating" Aria replied with

ld have begged him for it n

---- No, wait for a minutes. Can you

hat? I don't get" the g

a jumped up with joy and hugged the guy tightly. The guy w

me. He was dressing well and looking like a rich

way from me" Henry said with

e me, you can see me!!" She

f" Henry pushed her away again

d you mean by I CAN SEE YOU?" he ask

n that he didn't see me. I am happy that you can see me. This

" Henry said with low voice and looked

said with low voice and looking at Aria suspiciously. Aria obeyed

lem with my sight but it's like I am seeing a stain on my ca

clean and looking so beautif

ng there, nobody is t

t's only the car that is there S

ow voice and he was so surprised and feeling som

see me, I am happy" Aria s

pressed the key to the car, and wan


from Adam so please. And I have to go now" A

ith you!" She sai

le. I don't know you, and leave me alone" Henry sai

what to do. She grabbed his hand and used it

s the lady faced back with anger. The lady calmed do

e lady said with smiles

had expected" Aria

" Henry said with lou

YOU?" Aria aske

d the door and as he opened it, Aria had entered the back seat and hind t

he road, and she jumped to the front. She held the tarri

aid with loud voice and

Aria with anger when he saw the woman that he hit his car knocking at the mir

sorry madam!" Henry start

at you have done. I am sorry I can't accept this

t accept this, and please officer takes judgment" the woman said a

orry, because I don't know what

cars and let go to our office. You are causing traffic l

one of the law officer, sitting with him at the front. Aria was at the bac


y stopped the car and got down with the law officer, going inside with t

ey met the head of the officers

. Henry's father was a very popular man, and he had a billionaire company. E

that is why we are here to sol

u do it?" T

g, I have called my mechanic to come here and

and calm down Ma

n I go please because I really h

all you" Henry dropped his card as the man said and left the

ation" Aria said with low voice and Henry l

you have done enough so stay awa

away from yo

ow you and you keep following me around and causing trouble. What if it goes be

let people be looking at you like you are not mentally balanced" Aria said w

om me. Even what do you w

YOU?" Aria said

ry said with loud voice and l

t I will continue to be putting more trouble o

the fuck is this" Henry said wi

WITH YOU" Aria continued saying and shouting lou


said with loud voic

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