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My boss My Alpha

Chapter 2 Searching for job

Word Count: 1148    |    Released on: 06/10/2022


, and I sprung out of bed hastily because I had an int

of starting a new life for myself

is head to the bathroom to brush

small apartment as I save enough

dashed out the door and wen

and while there was a part of me that wanted to go,

ide; all I could do was pray that I would be accepted so that I would

was. I had the need to turn around and go home, but I know t

the secretary was working. I couldn't help but feel embarrass

lp you? After a brief period

here for an interview. I started to perspire somewhat, and just as I was

ng, sir, a

stare at the man and whether or not he was the

round facing me, and at that moment it felt like the world stopped, and everything around me was just in a f

of summer. He was stunningly gorgeous, almost divine in appearance. Befo

exactly? And

k. Why would he want to know my name at t

nd out while staring at him as

I stumbled over my w

I walked to a seat close by and sat down without saying

hour, I became aware that

ss is waiting to

to the front door of his office and knocked on it. After a brief pause durin

had no idea what was wrong with me or why I was behaving in such an o

n I looked up, I noticed that he was staring at me. At that same instant, I noticed

ount of silence, he bro


at down, and put on a phony grin since I did not want to say

was afraid to, possibl

d been silent and had only been sta

ndeed my

e to hand over my document, which I did. After receiving it,

has made the decision t

at everything was corr

by your

ded a

ing once more. Do you go out with a

was saying; yes, I do have a boyfriend, but why does he c

r I d

not going to risk getting my boyfriend Mi

he looks through the file, and a

factory; you may resume your work beginning tomorrow, and my secre

get the job. I wanted to ask him a question but I couldn

cream, but I restrained myself and instead stoo

and I was still surprised that I had been able to get a position

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