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Chapter 1 One

Word Count: 3824    |    Released on: 06/10/2022

s smiled at me as I took a seat in the student teacher's desk at the si

y a mere 4 minutes, looked nearly identical to me. With curly brown hair, blue eyes, and right down to the upturned noses and

night, again, you might have gotten it done on time." I growled as I went back to drawing in my notebook, shading in the

nstead he looked at my boo

hink I was crazy, I am currently drawing something I saw in a dream. I'm drawing a man/wo

e pages, looking at all my weird drawings I got from dreams. Agh, he's gonna tease me for

e in all seriousness, taking me by surprise but, I ig

is, is in those dreams." I feel crazy right now, my brother loves to tease me and mess with me, it's

a nervous chuckle, handing m

if I become completely invisible to the whole school. No one not

since kindergarten. I wouldn't say I'm obsessed, but I do tend to think of him and his body quite

and I would like to go home now." Mr. Harris jolted me o

I can't believe I zoned out while thinking of Tyler yet again. Ugh, w

e left town to do god knows what with god knows who. Looks

freaking mess, my brown locks were soaked and completely messed up. Good thing I don't wear ma

ch to my house and went t

right here... I let out a g

banged my head against it. "Wh

s down and he probably isn't home. So, I'll just chill with his

aking my way to Tyler's house. When I finally r

hy am I so nervous? I've been to his house m

hy do I crave his touch, his lips on mine. Why do I like him so fucking much? Cole wo

ts wrong

I looked into his sparkling eyes. I love his brown

here?" He put his hand on my shoulder, causing m

here? Only until Cole is back?" I rambled on and on, feeling flustered. I mentally curse at

gertips, as my heart raced and I watched as he began to

from the cold. "You should change, let's go upstairs and I'll

th wayyy different intentions. I probably sh

expected. He began going through his dresser, looking for some

sly. I smiled. "This is perfect, thanks by the way. Imma go shower now.." I trail

: sexual

or all the way. I got down to my undergarments befor

ooked away nervously. I bit

I want him so bad, but I know I shouldn't have him... He

this sudden confidence is coming from, but it seems to be a turn on for him. Tyler to

d as he stopped right in front of me. He towered over me, quite

was undone, I peeled the shirt off of him, revealing his incredible body. His tanned skin was defi

fanning over my bare shoulders. My fingers moved down to his jeans and I quickly undid the button

as my eyes fell closed. All I could do was nod, my body was weak with anticipation. I opened my

in his hair. His brown hair was soft against my fingers as I tugged slightly on the locks,

against him. My nipples went erect at the feeling of his chest brus

of his lips against mine, pulling him closer to me and breathing in his scent when he pull

nd driven by lust. Our lips moved in sync with our hands, his finding the waistband of m

growing hard against my hand. I broke the kiss to take a step back and pu

counter. Suddenly he grabbed my hips and lifted me onto the counte

me in a teasing manner. His lips brushed against my neck, sending chills down my spine. I closed my eyes as he mo

hrobbing between my legs as he teased me. I could feel him smirk into my skin a

nd opted to wrap them around his neck and pull him closer to me. I dug my fingers into his shoulder as he sucked o

cked in a breath as he nipped at my shoulder. "Go to your...bed." Tyler nodded

ets and began kissing down my neck to my breasts. I let out a soft moan as his hand began teasing my clit again, t

easing it with a slight 'pop.' He pulled his finger out of me and rou

t equal height. "No. Do you want to stop?" I asked, my voice slightly breathless from a

." After the word rolled from his mouth he pushed me back on the bed. His lips kissed down

my lips, wetting them as I felt his hot breath fan over me. As soon as his tongue met with

ions like this before, it was.... incredible. "Tyler..." I moaned out his name. He continued to work me, his finger pumping in a

come, Tyler completely detached himself from my sex, instead he moved to hover above me. My eyes opened and I

breathed out as Tyler trailed kisses down my neck and across my collarbone. "Now." I begged slightly, wanting t

er's waist with my hands on his abdomen. I moved down so that I wasn't straddling him

s. It wasn't huge, but it wasn't small either, he was probably a little over average

as about to connect my lips with his head, I felt Tyler stop me. "You don't have t

his response. I lightly brought my tongue to lick the underside of his hea

in getting used to having him in my mouth and it wasn't long before I was able to suck him fully, the feeling of him

I could feel myself throbbing at that reaction, hearing him

t kind of grossed out by what he was probably thinking. But instead of bein

s hands to spread my legs and the other to hold himself up. He brok

e. As Tyler pushed himself into me I gasped and felt a sharp pain and discomfo

on my shoulder, sending pleasure through my body and distracting me from the pain. I gasped as I felt his nails dig into my

er began using one of his hands to rub my clit while he fucked me and it instantly seemed to block out the slight pain, inste

ork faster, riding out my orgasm and falling into his own. I could

nd of us catching our breaths. I turned my head to him, unable to pro

into words. My voice was still breathless as I spoke. "Incr

Hey, Tyler!" He yelled. Tyler sat up quickly and pointed to the bathroom as he bega

" I heard Cole ask from o

f in the mirror, my cheeks were red and my hair was knotted and partially wet. Luckily there w

let her take a shower." Tyler spoke, acting to

t me to walk home in the pouring RAIN!" I spoke with slight anger in my v

n't believe I had sex with him. I mean, granted it was incredible and probably will be t

consensual and wanted but, I feel bad for now putting my brother in a positio

nd I decided right then that

l be in the car let's gooo. Tyler, I'll see you later." he left th

to Tyler. I didn't know what to say or what to

bye kiss. A kiss that said, although it was enjoyable, this will never happen again... it can't S

left my lips as I tried to get tonight out of my head. I mean, it wa

this boy but, did I like him enough to give him my virgini

ads car was in the driveway and his office light was t

ldn't I be?" I am fine, I'm just

ded and let out a sigh. "Alright well, I'm supposed to b

sh up a project for school." I undid

my arm. "Yeah?" I respon

h, why wouldn't I be?" Maybe because you and your brother's b

d. I waved him bye

e hell

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