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Elusive Isabel


Word Count: 1469    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

windows overlooking the same pleasant little garden which was visible from the suite of tiny drawing-rooms farther along. The safe, a formidable looking receptacle of black enameled

self been in this room to

, Se?or," w

ows. They were both locked inside; and th

night," explained Se?or Rodriguez

by which they had entered. "So it would appear that whoever

safe. A brief examination of the nickeled dial and handle and of the enameled edges of the heavy door satisfied him that no forc

second figures of the

x, then ba

slowly back. Se?or Rodriguez stood looking on helplessly, but none the less intently. The pointer read ten, then nine, e

nside, please," he

s had been piled one on top of another and thrust into various pigeonholes at the top. Mr. Grimm understood that this disorder wa

partment at the top is broken

were not content with only fifty thousand dollars in gold-

r. Grimm naively. He

ined. "There were some important state paper

he papers

re only nine packets

ts all

onally looke

all unsealed save the last. When he reached for that, Se?or Ro

. Grimm. "It doesn't happen that

then some sudden apprehension was aroused, for a startled l

exclaimed, "let

en it?" aske

had not thought

ree red splotches of wax upon it, each impressed with the legation seal; the envelope was without marks otherwise. He turned and

ome document was drawn out of the envelope, and then came a deep sigh of relief. Having satisfied his sudden fears for the safety of the paper, wh

your daughter and Miss Thorne were

plomatist as if surpr


ck. They were goin

id you find that handkerch

horne's handkerchief?" He paused and regarded Mr. Grimm ke

Where did you find that handkerchief?" Ther

d Se?or Rodri

fe?" Mr. Gri

"Just here," and he indicated a spo

t? Yesterday afternoon?

y apparent reason the diplomat

n! There can be nothing-! A woman!

y was absolutely impersonal; his eyes, grown listle

Se?or," he resumed quietly, "wouldn't you have

z stared at hi

t, "if the gold is not recovered I am ruined. You understand that better than I can tell you. It's the kind of thing that could not be explained to m

be-who may suffer?"

he gold

Thorne, and to send to me here your secretary, Se?or Diaz, and your servants, one by one. I shall question them alone. No, don't be alarmed.

Se?or Diaz appeared. He remained with Mr. Grimm for just eight minutes. Se?or Rodriguez entered again as his s

same han


doubt whatev

or, I go

rrupted Mr. Grimm. "Now the se

e five minutes; one of the women was not questioned at all; the other remained ten minute

e demande

dly. "No one has even an intimation of the affair-pleas

oor opened and clos

t thirty-six. Se?or Rodriguez looked on, astonished, as Mr. Grimm pressed the soft rubber sounder of a stethoscope against the safe door and began turni

the amazed diplomatist. "And now, please,

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