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The Mayor's Second Wife (Love Me Later)

Chapter 6 The Investigation

Word Count: 1101    |    Released on: 09/10/2022

to Ivan who seemed to be trying to recall. His face suddenly

ome money in the last few yea

d. "Where do

"I really do not know. I just have the a

he construc


raising his head slightly. He always did

hing you think

gainst it, shut it and shook his head. The fast

elf, I am afraid you won't

ooked at Ivan, as if he was trying

goods arranged according to the prices. Naturally, the lower priced ones are less qualitative, and that's why..we normally ask questio

ked, urging th

is the weakest, and...it can't take any high rise buildings. When he told us it was a three story building, we adviced him to get from level

up to. He had pocketed the money and used chea

for the inf

ry, and Elijah asked to

, and then father. He knew what they wanted to talk about. He didn't intend to have anothe

off his phone and turned it upside down

rything, from the materials to the workers seemed extremely minimal, li

ed over to where the workers were. Elijah

arely comes." C

o Elijah who had been inve

bourhood too. Why don't we go there an

he neighborhood, before reve

rural and dense area, Elijah

He asked, just as

g with the residential complex. Which mea

topping at each one. Questioning the neighbo

an, look at this." He touched a part of the ro

se is even worse, sir." The neighbor

do you

bankrupt and lost everything some years back, and it felt like he ha

, his interest piqued. It was not his

ends, he would complain so much about having to take care of two girls who were completely useless in his eyes. His daught

the girl, and make sure I she was the one who worked I Mr. William's favorite restaurant.

s anywhere. She even pays her tuition

r suffering stuck on Elijah's mind. He found himself feeling

e. It was a little past noon, and Elijah tended to work till 6p.m at

Elijah answ

What do

sure that the mayor came investigating him. He will be on edge and will be able to run immediately he senses an

isfied. His boss

ather had slipped it under her door that morning. Exactly two weeks from now,

e with the pillow, and before

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