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Kidnapped by my ex


Word Count: 1211 Ā Ā Ā |Ā Ā Ā  Released on: 10/10/2022


second time when I remembered what day it was-Monday! I wasn't near ready and Jessy was a child in the mornings. I kicked the duvet

s" I shook her furiously to wake her up. She kicked me back pushing me to the floor, I

ld not ready for school life yet. I placed her office wear of the day on h

e finally make it to the bus station. And as usual, Matt was a darling to wait for us again, we quickly greeted with a head nod moving to the back si

e the best," Jessy said leaving me to her station.

Johnson's new personal assistant" she took her

. I snatch the card from her using it to access the gate ahead of me. I run to the closing elevator, just in the nick of time I fit in with the crowd of men and wom

the lift. I'm so anxious I tap on t

His chestnut gave him the forever young look, his honey brown eyes matching

g, I had forgotten the location of the office. I

emember its exact location" I said as sweetly I could.

ment. And no I'm not this young" he said pointing

val skills with Johnson," I took note of what he told me; the dos and don'ts. We took a det

nson. Sitting, standing and roaming about the huge office-tha

te too? But he's the boss and this is his money," I sat down on a soft c

e out like venom ready to poison anyone. I feel bad for how ever making him this angry, I feel worst fo

er a business friend or partner. I still didn't make a sound he hadn't seen me. He was talking to a man wearing a black suit, he was the same person

nd the other man in the room turned to look in my direction. T

r waiting for over 45 minutes. Not nice bro,

y thing. You're giving me a headache." Refusing to acknowledge my presence yet still. His

for sir." Placing the folder, he was holding on the table. I guess my curios


nd my office folder. He said that Mr Johnson was gonna show me my office later when he's better. I saw Jessy in her

huge doors. It looked like the gate to heaven. With Chairman D

, and hasn't been for a while one" he cut my train of th

my mouth shut. I didn't know what was going on in this company but

r Johnson are s

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