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Chapter 8 Part 1. Chapter 8

Word Count: 2021    |    Released on: 10/10/2022

gan as dinner was coming to a clos

Mother asked with a smi

y at Damir, including Sama

o you can take a vacation with my brother?» Damir asked

upported him, raising his ey

at Samad, who almost choked on his food, «because our mother lives there, who brought me u

. He had not expe

or raising you, for giving you all she could, all her strength,» she answered, with her fingers slightly squeezing her son's palm, which she held under

lder of his non-native son, he addressed him with a warm note in his voice, « it is your turn,

ile, nodded obediently, but then, with all the anger he could feel, he looked at

d the Saidi family finally made it to the outskirts of the city of Bolgar. Nostalgia swept over Omer and Em

her were sitting in

hout discomfort. Although he warned that the living conditions in their world were a million times different from what they were used to, in terms of co

nces and princesses among us,» reassu

eggarly, native mother, but he already hated her. And he suspected, was even sure, that Damir had dragged him here to show th

or mother lost weight from worry, rubbing her handkerchief in her hands, she st

of the car. He felt so sorry for her, she

r arms to him, and tears rolled from her eyes

e you? Never think of anyth

ine, I'

cheek to hers. Of course, all the witnesses of the scene felt the situation with their hearts. Then Emine came up, hugged her, and in her own language sincerely thanked her for Damir. The translation follow

d sat together at the set table. It was literally burs

luttering on the wings of lo

amad with him, and he couldn't refuse, followed him to his own mother

troked one son, then the other, couldn't get enough of them and couldn't find th

t painfully poor and tiny, frightened his imagination. And yet this was where he was supposed to live and grow up, this place was supposed to be his home. Here was his bed and table and spoon and plate. He was afraid to look into Damir's eyes. Now he really understood his foolish beha

ing at the door of the room. Without opening eyes, he held out his hand to her. Aliyah walked over with confusion and sat down next to him on the edge of the bed. He was covered by a sheet down to his bare chest. Such a seductiv

to the neck with the hem of the sheet. Though his legs were open from the knees do

are you?» Aliyah babbled,

He asked her in

ked at him. Her cheeks ruddy with embarrassment. Damir laughed.

s to let you go to Canada with me.

e blushed even mo

r lips and insistently parted them with his tongue, went deep inside, an

tle while later his lips moved from her mouth down to neck and when she moaned involuntarily, he quickly put them back and whispering "hush.» He smiled, looking into her closed eyes, and began kissing again. An eternity later, he finally let go of the stupefying girl with swollen lips. She rose and began to adjust her kerchief and her hair, almost reeling from the dizziness that swept over her. He watched her, barely restraining himself from the urge

he same time the date of the wedding and other circumstances. Although Emine had already prepared for the occasion when she was in Canada, she had beforehand talked it over with family. In turn

r opened a bank account for me. I have money, don't worry. I

g for words, tried to reassure her. – Mommy, don't worry about nothing, I will work

old days, when he had told her she could r

all your worries. Now you'll keep yourself

owed at these words an

d what his moth

rom now on, mother. I am not

future daughter-in-law. Her humble appearance, her fussy manner. She kept pouring tea, asking if he or other members of the family needed anything. The Iranian mot

ng with pride! Good choice, he mentally th

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