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The One He Never Claimed

Chapter 5 5.

Word Count: 1463    |    Released on: 11/10/2022

p?" Bruno greets

e place at a time multiple times before but we've never said anything to each other. Ezra and I always act like we don'

what I'll do if I look into his eyes. I can feel the anger radiating from within at the

ay my voice came out calm and not shaky like the rest of me. I don't even bother t

as I start running to get away. I

etrayed. So

calling my name. I can sense him running toward me but I don't stop even though

I can't help but think how many more times has he cheated on me? How many more gir

his whole time? Was I the

han me, he holds me tight in a hug so I don't get away. I hit him on his chest repeatedly even though I know he's not feeling the

hispers to me with

'd wrestled for what felt like hours. My head is against

ly audible. The p

promise." I get up from his chest to see him

what the world was saying. I wanted to hear from you Ezra!" I

to explain it. I haven't been sleeping for the past two days because I couldn't stop think

sorry but I can't lose you." He says star

dged my friends when they'd get back with the guys who'd cheated on t

d always thought if a guy ever chea

eyes, I can't imagine myself not forgiving him. My heart

kissing them. I don't fight him, I instead put my legs a

. He comes to my house or I go to his. We never walk

king pictures. In that moment, nothing matters but the two of us. It's like the wor

ence. He's holding onto my hand really tight, like if he let go I'll disappear. I then

ere everyone is because that's where he parked. He's still holdin

red together. I look for Liz when I get there to tell her I'm uberring home but she's still

e with today until I see a lime green colored Ferrari I'd

th a smile on his face. I'm still just wearing a bikini so he puts his jacke

his friends are always there. He says that they always just randomly show up, so th

iends have been to the mansion. I've heard all about the wild parties that have taken place there. I can'

had me see it when he'd gotten it, before everyone else even knew

asks clearly sens

seeing it now. It's beautiful." I say honestly to him

the ground before taking

ge. So.

that it's not over-furnished. It's sexy and tranqu

r thing I can't help but notice. Ther

of them and I know he saw my face when I d

this and I'm glad it's finally paying off. I'm so happy for you

oom and we're laying down o

ys to me with a smile th

off the dirty sand we were practically rolling around in then we head back

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