English Satires
, a fayre for t
that loved
, to ben an
tè[61] hors had
de, men might
in a whistling
de, as doth th
ord was keeper
int Maure and o
t was olde and
lette oldè th
r the newè wo
the text a p
at hunters ben
k, whan he is
a fish that
, a monk out o
held he not w
his opinio
tudie, and make h
in cloistre
with his hond
7] how shal the
e his swink to
s a prickasour
adde as swift as
] and of hunti
t, for no cost
ves purfiled[
and that the fi
ten his hood u
ld ywrought a
in the grete
led,[72] and sh
ace, as it ha
ful fat and
tepe,[73] and ro
as a forneis
ple, his hors
y he was a f
le as a forpi
oved he best
as as broune