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Arranged Marriage: I loved her first

Chapter 7 A bully

Word Count: 1453    |    Released on: 12/10/2022

tire clothing which was not

ed when his eyes were done roa

th......aren't I? Then why won't u give me....a chance" May slur

even though he knew he was just bluffing. There was no way he would reject this fine chick on a normal day. He had to do this though if he didn't reject h

her shirt and shorts on before sitting on the floor and cryi

ed her on a date stood her up and never talked to her after that. She was so sure it was her body. No one wanted

the next time he saw her hec

the door interrupted her. "May are you in there it's me" Amanda'

r that May forgot to

est friend crying on the bathroom floor but it on

e do somethi

as already had tears of her own I her eyes scared by all

said in between sobs leaving A

housand stars. Your my pretty flower. Tell me what happe

erk we both know that. You don't need to believe any thing he say

last two musketeers. She saw Isaac with Leo and his gan

said to Isaac then throw

ss" A member of Leo's litt

around though" Amanda said making May laugh out loud. The guys ooooooed before Isaac


with an obstruction so she rolled


he floor her fall only cus

already woke up after hearing the thud

ll like to get an additional hour of sleep" Am

as brushing and thinking back to la

f. How could she even do tha


anda rushed into the bathroom


w a s

get some extra minutes of sleep before service.

I was really foolish to do that kind of shit" thi

t. And yh it was way too foolish. Isaac is going to have your

a knock

I heard screaming" M

e May just saw a s


the lunch cafeteria. Amanda gave him the middle finger before moving on. They were guessing that sinc

room. May was in the school orchestra and she found there was a lot of juicy gossip among h

poem out for only

unds like you. When

it last

Amanda said with a wink. May

ust li


e to get her attention. She looked back at the boy who ca

han wh

library" he asked lookin

ndering what he wanted to s


egan just that I have been shy and scared" Ethan said l

u be my girlfriend" Ethan finally let it out

he first time some one was actually telling her dire

ave to reply me now though" Ethan quickl

when she noticed Leo charging t

ay anything he had

the commotion and noise was enough to draw the attention of the Librarian who quickly

from him

llying to carry out with that gang of yours" May ask

is it is none o

obviously my buisness I should be a

hrow your self at the first guy who

n quiet remembering wh

ough the crowd that had formed and finally appearin

his mind that he wasn't ruining her chances wi

e halls and seems like it got to the principal faster cause

to my offi

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