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LUST LOVE: Slave to the Billionaire CEO

Chapter 4 You dare me, you dare your life.

Word Count: 1127    |    Released on: 13/10/2022

hen, this is way out of description as she stares back at the

face was now replaced with something she couldn't describe and the one normal temperature was now chilling causing her to shiver involuntarily. How can a human being be this scar

" she starts begging, hopi

rse" he raises his brow at her words

ong as u want me to" She continues. Little did she know the

rs on his light pink lips,

you," He said and the gir

will need help with, maybe something personal" something personal she mentioned was his house chor

Somehow, she felt frightened by the way he said the word personal needs but she shakes her head off, g

han capable" Her tone w

sked with a smirk on his face and the girl n

me is my BDSM" frown formed on h

a girl her age should know..." no, I don't...do you mind telling me to please!" she said in a polite and requesting tone..." why not fi

a smirk on his lips...Her one's confident face was now replaced with disbelief. Of all the things

let out a light chuckle before his face returned to his normal fie

scared her this much. She swallows hard, trying to process what he said, that only means her ch

is head back, finding her amusing. How can she ask

on you are in but, because of my petite kindnes

ateful to hear him accept her request...the man

the direction the car took before looking down at the card...her brows furrowed as she stared down at the card, not knowing what to do with it. No matter how much she wishes to save herself from him and his clu

ying to think of a way out but the day had other plans for her...Mark stood outside her door

?" her voice was stern an

" he begs but she didn't have time to listen to his trash and just kept on walking. When she

e stretches out his right hand giving her his bank card. She stares at the card for what seems like a long

think I am that stupid and naive? tell me..." she demands, feeling angry. Mark, who had no inte

together with you" She closes the door with a loud ba

it again, with a skept

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1 Chapter 1 Taste of betrayal. 2 Chapter 2 Bunch of Betrayals 3 Chapter 3 Can't this day get any better 4 Chapter 4 You dare me, you dare your life. 5 Chapter 5 The contract 6 Chapter 6 His to commands 7 Chapter 7 How can one's name look like the person 8 Chapter 8 Why are you not eating 9 Chapter 9 Let go of your lips! 10 Chapter 10 Take it off! 11 Chapter 11 Don't stare, move closer 12 Chapter 12 Don't take desert after the main course. 13 Chapter 13 Just the way he is. 14 Chapter 14 Is that a compliment 15 Chapter 15 Dump ass girl! 16 Chapter 16 When will he come 17 Chapter 17 Wedding invitation 18 Chapter 18 The dress19 Chapter 19 All you need is you. 20 Chapter 20 Take it off! 21 Chapter 21 Sit on my dick! 22 Chapter 22 Strong enough to take a round 23 Chapter 23 A different him. 24 Chapter 24 Scary cat! 25 Chapter 25 Who is Bruce 26 Chapter 26 I can't fall for you. 27 Chapter 27 I love you but! 28 Chapter 28 Angry Smiles. 29 Chapter 29 Take it off, all of it! 30 Chapter 30 Don't move, do it here! 31 Chapter 31 Someone I know! 32 Chapter 32 Little dirt in my eyes. 33 Chapter 33 Broken Keane! 34 Chapter 34 Why should I care 35 Chapter 35 A different him. 36 Chapter 36 Feeling cold37 Chapter 37 Promise! 38 Chapter 38 Nothing interesting about me! 39 Chapter 39 No one important! 40 Chapter 40 Love is torture 41 Chapter 41 What could be more painful than love 42 Chapter 42 The event43 Chapter 43 Meeting his grandparents. 44 Chapter 44 Just let it flow! 45 Chapter 45 Kiss me! 46 Chapter 46 Compromises. 47 Chapter 47 Meeting Lisa48 Chapter 48 Funny grandparents. 49 Chapter 49 We'll bath together! 50 Chapter 50 Moan for me! 51 Chapter 51 Her wish52 Chapter 52 Nasty! 53 Chapter 53 My turn! 54 Chapter 54 Don't make be prey it open! 55 Chapter 55 Angry Derrick. 56 Chapter 56 His Sister! 57 Chapter 57 I love it. 58 Chapter 58 The fight. 59 Chapter 59 His found his sister! 60 Chapter 60 His proposal 61 Chapter 61 What's wrong 62 Chapter 62 Young Ms Wright! 63 Chapter 63 Young Ms Wright! 64 Chapter 64 My Mom. 65 Chapter 65 Broken66 Chapter 66 To know the truth! 67 Chapter 67 Leaving! 68 Chapter 68 Terminating the contract! 69 Chapter 69 A different her. 70 Chapter 70 Indeed, he is truly inlove. 71 Chapter 71 Chasing her72 Chapter 72 I dare you! 73 Chapter 73 I love you too! 74 Chapter 74 More than sure. 75 Chapter 75 It must have been a deadly kiss! 76 Chapter 76 Stop staring 77 Chapter 77 Let's make love. 78 Chapter 78 Because I love you! 79 Chapter 79 Meet Mr Austin 80 Chapter 80 Apologies. 81 Chapter 81 What are you up to 82 Chapter 82 Tell me what you want dear wife 83 Chapter 83 Family dinner. 84 Chapter 84 Double Congratulations 85 Chapter 85 Postpone the wedding. 86 Chapter 86 Happy times 87 Chapter 87 A Mischievous him88 Chapter 88 Reconciliation. 89 Chapter 89 Engagement! 90 Chapter 90 Sweet torture. 91 Chapter 91 Loving her body. 92 Chapter 92 The best massuer ever existed93 Chapter 93 Regrets94 Chapter 94 Sweet torture 95 Chapter 95 Taking her away. 96 Chapter 96 Wedding 197 Chapter 97 Wedding 298 Chapter 98 Wedding 399 Chapter 99 Grew a flower that can't bloom in a dream that can't come true! 100 Chapter 100 Hallucination!