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Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 1815    |    Released on: 17/10/2022

nd stood closer to her father, holding

somewhere let it be this rich elite party but she was

r tense as she's not good near men or she simply doesn't know how to act in front of the species called men. She d

litely with a forced smile on her face. She didn't

at his daughter and Eleanor's eyes widened for a brief

taking over. Though she didn't tell her father about Ava and Caleb just because she

nce to her father. A large hand appears in front of her

ather hoping he would deny Titus because James never let her in

d as she faced Titus. "I-I don't know how to dance." She

ill trying to come up with an excuse when he grasped her delicate hand and started pulli

ttled on her waist while his other hand held hers. Eleanor was shocked at

up with this man and it literally broke her heart. This was the reason he brought

for her and she clenched her jaw, the song wasn't ending! Titus lowered his fac

itely but with gritted teeth. A smirk appeared on Titus's face as he l

ed her with a raised brow. "I'm not feeling well, can I go home please

calls one of his bodyguards and

ch, she ran inside the mansion towards her room. All the staff had already left

e ran to her room and dropped herself on the

d? What's her fault if she's not a son? Why is

started to hurt. Sighing, she went to the restr

, relaxing her tensed muscles. All the makeup was washed off as she washed her hair th

hower turning it off as she wrapped a towel around her body; casually coming out of her res

her lips a large calloused hand was on her mouth muffling her screams

ration process as her fear filled

blue jeans and big black shining boots. She noticed all this before he shut her m

k mask was on his face. Only hi

y placing his finger on

e. His icy gray eyes slowly lowered down and her breath hitched as she immedia

tically in nothing but a towel in front o

his hand away. His eyes were so icy gray and pierci

back almost wishing to hide in the wall. Her hand that was trying to remove his hand from

heavenly, she was clutching her tiny towel tightly on her chest as if her life depen

were gorgeous. Her brows were perfect and then unknowingly he removed his hand from her mouth to look at h

er lungs and pushed him hard on his chest. He wasn't alert so he stum

er mouth again with his hand as he pushed her on

!" He rasped. His voice is a thick, dee

rd! His


ing scene. She nodded her head frantically and that

her mouth and she breathed in deeply and lowered her eyes. She w

the wall above her head as he got closer to her, making

ding in her house, in her roo

ply, her body trembling in cold as she immediately l

He mused, making her widened

Of course! Now, who are you?" He ask


robbing? Is this casual? Maybe it's her first time experiencin


cops!" She threatened with mustered up courag

That thro

ong with y

ed in that deep rich voice and she gulped moving towards her left to escape but

his brain

nt straight towards her bedside table, p

the phone in front of her face and her phone unlocked immediately as it was on face

th her and saved it on his phone number after giving a ca

the bed and faced her only to be met wit

e door to her room burst open and she screamed but he pl

that barged in her room, with cov

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