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Orphanage: The Runaway

Chapter 2 5 years ago

Word Count: 1974    |    Released on: 17/10/2022

ake of course he thought to himself, I mean being rich had all it's advantages and all that, but having a couple of genuine friends wasn't one of them for sure" he continued. He strongly believed

g about her or at least all the things he was old enough to know. His dad on the other hand wasn't always around, he was either on a music tour in South America or some other continent. There were even rumours that

rom my so called friends, but at least my mom" ..."I mean she's my best friend for a reason" he continued. His thoughts were interupted by loud music from a distance, which gre

t gave a view of the mountains, a chance to relax and take in the changing of the seasons from the comfort of an easy chair. "Maybe I was overthinking" he said as he alighted. He not

d was jolted out his thoughts by loud cheers and a chorus of happy birthdays from a crowd of people, a couple of miniature canons shot a lot of confetti into the air. He tried his best to keep a straight face but he was hoping around like an excited puppy on the inside. His efforts to keep a straight face fell through when he saw his mum's face beaming with a bright smile and with outstretche

you are obviously joking dad, am still taking what ever you got for me and extra" said Chris laughing too. "Come with me Chris" said Harrison putting his hands around Chris's shoulder as they walked away. As they walked up the stairs to the balcony, Chris was trying his best to guess what the gift was." Emmm....where are we going" he asked amidst thoughts. " Just come with me Chris no questions" his dad replied while they walked up the stairs. They got there and his d

s a, it's a fuc

" his dad relied smiling. "Thanks dad" he said as they both locked eachother in a warm embrace, then he walked back to take a look at the motor bike again,"she's so beautiful" he thought smiling. "Hey, Chris

p out of the blue, I mean he just left a month ago on a tour round Europe for his most recent album " When love stings"" he thought to himself, but then he just decided to dwell in the moment and enjoy as much as h

ime it's not going to be as long as the others, I'll be back in two months and once am back, I'll make things official and make our family public" he said looking straight into her eyes, "at least that was one positive to take from all he said" Chris thought to himself. "Hey, you know I don't like it when u keep a straight face" he said and began to tickle her, "alright, alright, am gud but only if you keep to your words this time Harry" she replied while laughing. "Ding Dong" the door bell rang interrupting their conversation. Chris moved a little closer so he could see wh

r on it from within his coat, " drop the weapon and hands in the air Harry" the man in the mask said while pointing the gun at him and drawing nearer, his dad slowly dropped the knife but as he was standing up, he was shot three times in the gut. Chris was speechless, he couldn't even utter a word as tears rolled down his chin. And while his dad fell to the ground their eyes met, his dad was trying to say something as his lips were moving but he was inaudible. Chris had read his lips already, he was saying "Runaway" and Chris obliged, he picked up the keys to his bike and ran towards the gate, he was so traumatized by what he had witnessed but he couldn't die yet, he had to live, at least for them. He got to the gate and got on his bike, ignited the engine and drove away trying

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