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Indebted To The Vampire Prince.

Chapter 2 The Monster.

Word Count: 1271    |    Released on: 16/10/2022

'd been so caught up in the problems they had that sh

e they got to the library, the four wome

ed. She was an earth witch, she was very good at making healing potio

he couldn't see through them, and dark skin, since she

" Biki

ers, responded. She was an enchantress meaning she was very good at maki

es, and fair skin, she wore wine colored r

any more time." Mother Nasya added. She was a necromancer with dark ha

s said. She was half-fae so she was referred to as a mage, she also had pure magi

te hair, and red eyes,

her?" Biki asked after her

we wanted you to arrive f

ead can feel it but they won't speak of it." Mot

dy happening," Biki said and gasped

figurine, and books had been broken and scattered around, blood

us." Mother A

ot to gag from the smell o

othing left that could be identif

she picked it up, she put it to her nose and sni

r palm. "Whatever did this is really powerful and I'm afr

's no use, we have to think cl

iki's voice broke as tea

y told me everything we need to know."

asked, her hurt quick

ed on to peace so I can't spe

with tears as she recalled gr

she'd taught Biki combat and how to use weapons

bout the death of their friend but it wasn't like witches to show emotion and th

into the wrong hands." Mother Thiya said as sh

y out a location spell and find it." Mot

guest." Mother Aria

om him, he must know something about the creature.

uilding the library, setting back each stone to where it was, recraftin


finished restoring the library and Mother Nasya had already gotten the locati

from the informat in their home, his name was Lord Ver

e," Biki promised her mothers as she set out to find the

mothers said and each gave her s

r and only after that did she start learning her own true

smiled at them and

me, she knew where the creature was

as three times her size, could brea

from the ashes or dust and form back into itself, even when he severed off its arms or legs, they would just gr

dy bleeding. She rose up from the floor, her eyes

e creature to the ground, without giving it time to get back up, she cast a spell by sp

few meters from her and she used her last

ay get completely blocked, she choked as she was raised up from the

in horror as she realized that the creature

ay get blocked again, the creature was choking her on t

ned dark, she croaked

os Erem A

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