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Wings of Momentum

Chapter 8 Rules

Word Count: 1238    |    Released on: 19/10/2022

k. He barely got a breath out before I was straddling him and holding his arms above his head. I could feel the intense heat seeping through the pajama bottoms where I wasn't protected by

ride more enjoyable." I could feel him growing

eep focused, getting my roc

ove 5 feet of your cockiness and little digs. How about I make you beg me to

t me. I could feel him trying to call on his own aura to change

w does it feel Cash? Does your mind scream no but your body beg yes

feeling the drain so that was my que to

may be a big bad wolf in your world, but I am Alpha in mine. Let me do my job, play nice, and this won't happen again." I got as close to his face as I coul

him and jumped off. The last push pulled a small moan from me and a loud one from

en little one." He pushed at my aura, making me swa

on top of me. I tried to fight him off with almost no strength left in me. I ha

. He wasn't pressed into me yet while bending over so the shagginess of his hair tickled my foreh

did was not smart and you have me worked up now, so how should I reciprocate the favor?" His voice went from angry to seductive quick. I co

tarted to struggle and yell stop the moment I felt him let the next button loose. Suddenly his

ing to do my job. I can leave this instance and you can take it up with the Almighty. It's done, I can't prove myself to you anymore! This is done, we're done!" I blurted it all out on rapid fir

myself killed, then so be it. What I don't need is someone else dying for me." I heard his words as I laid there looking up at the ceiling

ed sleep to clear my head on what to do next. Getting up I went to the kitchen to grab a quick drink of water then laid down on the floor. I pulled what blankets I could reach and a pillow to me. I needed the hardness of the floor to h

see twill curtains pulled open and allowing the sun to fight its way in. I gingerly sat up, my muscles aching in protest due to the body numbing expe

ainers, one contained fruit and veggies and the other omele

n't supposed to be going anywhere. I snagged a strawberry and searched for my phone i

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1 Chapter 1 Prologue2 Chapter 2 The Job3 Chapter 3 Waiting4 Chapter 4 Upward5 Chapter 5 Cracked6 Chapter 6 Reflection7 Chapter 7 Tempting8 Chapter 8 Rules9 Chapter 9 Disregard10 Chapter 10 Visitor11 Chapter 11 Misunderstanding12 Chapter 12 Encounter13 Chapter 13 Caught14 Chapter 14 S.O.S.15 Chapter 15 Mistaken Tenderness16 Chapter 16 Corner of Bliss17 Chapter 17 Splitting Hairs18 Chapter 18 Ride to Rest19 Chapter 19 Food for Thought20 Chapter 20 At the Gate21 Chapter 21 Just Human22 Chapter 22 Not My Style23 Chapter 23 Musical Chairs24 Chapter 24 Forgotten Information25 Chapter 25 Thrilling Old Aquaintance26 Chapter 26 Why the Visit27 Chapter 27 Degrees of Seperation28 Chapter 28 Item In Question29 Chapter 29 Rolodex Secrets30 Chapter 30 Tit for Tat31 Chapter 31 Sudden Dream32 Chapter 32 Real Conversation33 Chapter 33 Explain My Age34 Chapter 34 Sanctified Ground35 Chapter 35 Dream Signal36 Chapter 36 His Explanation37 Chapter 37 Almost Fish Food38 Chapter 38 Fine With Me39 Chapter 39 Dream Unreal40 Chapter 40 Nybbas41 Chapter 41 Chellos42 Chapter 42 Owned and Undenied43 Chapter 43 Thumping Beat44 Chapter 44 Lets Get Physical45 Chapter 45 First Love46 Chapter 46 M.I.A. Reggie47 Chapter 47 Hard Look48 Chapter 48 Seen Below49 Chapter 49 Which Way 50 Chapter 50 Drip Drip51 Chapter 51 What's Unknown Can't Hurt52 Chapter 52 Two Trucks53 Chapter 53 Sometimes Darkness Soothes, Sometimes54 Chapter 54 Round and Round55 Chapter 55 The Promise56 Chapter 56 Blood57 Chapter 57 Crack in My Rules58 Chapter 58 Never Wolf59 Chapter 59 To Lay or Not60 Chapter 60 Last Night Begging61 Chapter 61 Aftermath62 Chapter 62 Not Expected63 Chapter 63 Unsweet Truth64 Chapter 64 What I Am65 Chapter 65 Word Kept66 Chapter 66 Reunion67 Chapter 67 Caught Frozen handed68 Chapter 68 Exit Denied69 Chapter 69 Day Before70 Chapter 70 Auction House71 Chapter 71 Time To Sleep72 Chapter 72 Out Of Sight73 Chapter 73 Another Castle74 Chapter 74 Next Job Too Soon